Ethan #fundie
[From "What Do Jews Worship?"]
One issue with the Judeo-Christian values bit that I’ve always found confusing is that modern Jews do not even practice the Judaism that existed at the time of Christ. Now, I’m not going to delve into Khazar theory[…]No, the point of this article is to demonstrate it’s a different religion entirely. Rabbinical Judaism, in fact, is explicitly not only anti-Christian but anti-Jewish
Much like how the Catholic Church had a counterreformation after Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation, the Jews who rejected Christ had their own counter-reformation
Modern Judaism is extremely different from the Judaism of Moses. One obvious way it’s different is that Judaism throughout the Old Testament up through the time of Christ was patrilineal. Modern Rabbinical Judaism is matrilineal
In addition to the new texts of the Rabbinical school and the fact that Mosaic Judaism was patrilineal whereas modern Rabbinical Judaism is matrilineal, Rabbinical Judaism adopted symbols which did not exist before Christ’s birth. Some argue the Star of David is a symbol of a pagan deity based on Amos 5:26, Acts 7:43, and other verses and that the modern Rabbinical Jews worship a pagan deity
Much of the use of the six-pointed star seems to be tied with Kabbalah and other magical practices. There are also various medieval grimoires, like the keys of Solomon or the myth of Solomon’s ring, all of which are involved in Jewish magic and demonic summoning
Another way to put this whole argument is as follows: Jews strayed from proper worship of God, so God comes down to earth as Christ. The Jews then had a choice and some accepted God and spread the Good News to Gentiles. Some rejected Christ and made massive changes to their worship to more fully demonstrate they rejected Christ. What they are worshiping is not clear, but they are not worshipping our God and are, therefore, not saved