worried19 , sonic_fiXXation & Owlchaser #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Has anyone else tried to just ... stop caring?

( worried19 )
I'm not sure what to suggest. I feel highly distressed by the recent news, especially out of Texas, where it seems like everyone has come out of the woodwork to support hormones and surgeries on actual fucking children. They are sterilizing children, cutting off healthy body parts, and celebrities and the mainstream media celebrate this. There is no real journalism anymore, outside of a few brave outlets. It's just sickening. How can this be happening? How can so many people be okay with hurting children's minds and bodies, especially after years (fucking years) of denying that anyone was ever touching children under the age of 18. TRAs are evil. I want to believe some are just ignorant and misguided, but the people orchestrating this are pure evil. It's so wrong what they're doing. I'm not a religious person. I don't even think I believe in hell. But I hope to God these people have to give an accounting of their actions someday.

( sonic_fiXXation )
Sometimes I indulge in a bit of dissociation, not the numb kind, the kind where I watch the human race destroy itself and laugh at it, as if I'm not a part of it.

( Owlchaser )
I think you're feeling sick and overwhelmed because you aren't doing anything about this. I'm not writing this in a finger pointing "you should be doing more, what do you expect" way.

You're on campus, but are you in a GC club talking about how insane all this is? My guess is no. At work, you probably also can't talk about it, and again I'm going to assume genderism is shoved in your face on a regular basis (be it coworkers, pronoun signatures, etc) without you being able to do anything about it; even so much as speaking freely.

I feel the same. Yes, I know the reasons why we 'can't' speak up. But right now there are people in Ukraine standing in front of tanks. I think all of this cognitive dissonance is occurring because we know that we're right. We know how utterly, fantastically stupid genderism's claims are. But we're scared to speak out because of the social pressure and potential financial damage (being fired, black listed, and potentially facing insane TRAs).

I think the only solution is speaking out. I know it doesn't work; that friends and family cut off relationships. But I think aligning both your thoughts AND actions/words with the truth is the only solution.



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