Michael Hoffman #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

Twenty years after the publication in 2001 of his decoding text Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Michael Hoffman's much anticipated sequel appears in the 2021 Gateway: Twilight Language, a book of radical disenchantment and Revelation of the Method, in an era of nearly universal occult initiation.
Trekking America’s 'Psychic Highway' on the 42nd degree of north parallel latitude, then southwest to Aurora and Moab, east to “Little Egypt” and onward to the Pharaonic Thanatos meme, the Black Jack gambit, King-Kill/33(58), the Willard Factor, quantum physics, occult murders, the Rosicrucian Ludibrium, 007, and Pike, Parkland and Paddock, Hoffman confronts the reader with the magnum opus of the Cryptocracy: the reign of dead matter programmed through public rituals, civic magic, human sacrifice and the Twilight Language which, for the first time since antiquity, audaciously addresses the waking Group Mind, conveying a compelling projection of a supposedly inevitable future.

“This writing is not a 'wakeup call.' At this stage in history the majority of the people of the West are too heavily programmed to cast off the arcana of Command. This text is intended as both an elucidation of The Process and a peregrination on the path upon which the masses have―of their own volition―embarked, in this terminal phase of a human alchemy operant for millennia, but which only in our time has obtained its ideal subjects.―Michael Hoffman

Contents: Prologue―A Black Jack Progression: 2(00)1―(20)21 Twilight Language: An Interview. The Psychic Highway. The Willard Factor. Anubis: Overlord of the Cosmic Graveyard. “Little Egypt” in America. The Moab Monolith. King-Kill/33 Fifty-Eight Years Later. 9/11 Terror as Alchemical Ritual. The “Literary Game” of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. The Tarot Card Killer. Virginia Tech Terror 33. Necromancy in Parkland. End-Time Burnout. The Joker. El Paso Cielo. Satanic Pederast Rings in Legend and Reality. Route 91 Harvest Massacre. The Pharmakos.



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