This fool will still not humble himself, typical of the left.
What about the fool in the Whitehouse? Has he humbled himself yet?
Doug Bristow:
Daily by putting up with those like you that have a psychotic hatred of him and by working as hard as he can to do what is right by this country and it's citizens; doing it all for free in spite of all the lying and fake garbage that has been piled on him even before he was sworn into office.
Jim Hanes:
No one has a psychotic hatred of Christians merely because we put a TEMPORARY social distancing rule in place to ride out a global pandemic. You look like a well-fed man. Do you also believe people have a psychotic hatred of restaurants since you can't go to all-you-can-eat
buffets for a while?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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