Russ Winter #conspiracy #racist #wingnut
In contemplating what may have gotten <Anthony> Bourdain suicided, our top theory was that he was a loose cannon to the Crime Syndicate. If he was intelligence, that doesn’t mean he was good intel. In fact, he was a feather ruffler. And today the small eateries that Bourdain supported are being wiped out by tyrants. What would he have said about that.
He angered some people of proud white heritage with a commentary that the world’s problems wouldn’t be solved until the population was “like Singapore”. But this ignorant cosmopolitan Kalergiesque offense didn’t square with the respect and affection shown to all the local and nation cultures as he introduced them on air. In reality and practice, he was a Europhile, and respected and promoted those national cultures and never diminished or trashed any of the various largely white nations he portrayed. Because he was trying to teach respect, I think Bourdain gave lip service to a confused political correctness.
He also bucked the endless Muslim demonization by (((American media))) when he showed up in Palestine in 2013 with a very positive portrayal. He immediately fell in love with Palestine, its people and the culture and was shocked to witness brutality of military occupation by Israeli forces.
Death by hanging is thought to be typical of pittura infamante, or a defaming portrait. It is also associated with David Carradine and sexual affixation. Therefore, in terms of a gesture, and with his enemies list, to us this looks like Bourdain was suicided. Secondly, he was a recovered heroin addict. His suicide of choice surely would have been riding the dragon out to the end, not hanging with a bathroom robe tie. All the lugenpresse was quick to jump on the suicide narrative.