
Anti Zionist League #racist #conspiracy #homophobia antizionistleague.com

The Well Poisoners – ‘Coronavirus’

Mildly changing tack since the Black Death, which did actually wipe out more than half the Caucasoid population, using their Chinese proxy the well poisoners have induced panic with what easily could be a contrived pandemic. Prior to the pestilence that was later known as the ‘Black Death’ the Jewish merchants were the bankers and financiers (without competition) with papal and royal protection. Like the Black Death this ‘virus’ began in China which is now Communist. Most scholars agree that a Jewish community has occupied Kaifeng in the Henan province of China since the Northern Song Dynasty (960–1127), though some date their influx to the Tang Dynasty (618–907) or earlier; well over 300 years before the Black Death. During the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), a Ming emperor conferred eight surnames upon the Jews, by which they are identifiable today: Ai, Shi, Gao, Gan, Jin, Li, Zhang, and Zhao. It was on a branch of the Silk Road that Jewish merchants descended on Kaifeng territory and from there had easy access to the network of trade routes which connected East and West and later along which the plague followed. Not until September 1348 did the first recorded ‘confession’ take place in the Castle of Chillon on Lake Geneva. The accused had admitted that a Jew of Savoy had poisoned wells and food “so as to kill and destroy the whole of Christianity”. Yet in each of the countries were the Jews were punished the plague came to an abrupt end. Despite their apparent ‘untouchability’ their crime was laid bare, perhaps cutting to close to their protectors, it was now known that the Jews were to blame for the Black Death.

Jews have intermarried with local Chinese sufficiently to be indistinguishable in appearance from their non-Jewish neighbours just like the Jews that occupy Europe. Indeed the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 1921, a Jewish ideology invented by the Jew Karl Marx the Grandson of a long line of Rabbis, and its formidable rise is testament to their concealment and manipulation. It is also vital to note that according to the Jewish Press “85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish” including Louisa Sachs (Goldman) the daughter of the Jew Marcus Goldman founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs. Just like in the Russian Empire for over a decade prior to Communist seizure thousands of Communist Jews had been subverting the political landscape having been smuggled in under the guise of victimhood, by Ho Feng-Shan to secure a Communist victory. In fact China’s most renowned export is the so called martial arts icon Bruce Lee; elevated to almost mythic status the Jewish Press has proclaimed his Jewish heritage. Of course this is not unique, the Jews have always had us worship them, if not through Christianity then through their Hollywood machine with the likes of Chaplin, Fairbanks, Cary Grant, Douglas, Stallone, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bacall, Goldie Hawn and Scarlett Johansson. Even the goyim convert to be successful Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe; or are elevated because of a perverted lifestyle (homosexuality) Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Rock Hudson, Dirk Bogarde, Brando, James Dean, Jodie Foster to name but a few. The apparently ‘gullible, naive and trusting Chinese’ have allowed the Jew sanctuary while the tribe has been in the process of seizing control of the Caucasoid infrastructure: “governments, media, education and entertainment” and using it to implement their destructive narrative. Meanwhile, just as Scott Robert has pointed out sugar coated and right under our noses, European jobs and industry are outsourced to the Far East.

Although the nefarious Jewish element has been scheming amongst us for millennia following the Jewish seizure of Europe in 1945 the Jew has spent the last 70 years accelerating his agenda. Now at the point of contrived crisis they appeal to the atomised to pull together knowing the impossibility, laughing and rubbing their hands at their achievement. Even alerts from the Jewish Prime Minister of Britain, asserting that now is the time to pull together while appealing to the public to stay 2 meters apart, are an absurd oxymoron only attesting to his Chutzpah. Coincidentally, between 1975 and 1977 the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) predictively programmed a fiction drama series called Survivors. It concerns the plight of a group of people who have survived an apocalyptic plague pandemic, which was accidentally released by a Chinese scientist and quickly spread across the world via trade roots. Given the extreme circumstance in which the characters find themselves the script is far from fanciful (Hollywood nonsense) and well worth a watch. The result of a Jewish think tank and puts an end to the absurd claims of the Alt-Right that the media acts independently. Indeed the enemy has created the ideal environment (multiculturalism, immigration) in order to spread disease yet political correctness (Cultural Marxism) prevents the public from pointing the finger at this course if indeed it is a disease. Clearly trust fails when one knows those in authority are Jewish. Indeed we are lead to believe that this virus originated in China and spread to other hot lands. Yet the Jewish Prime Minister of Britain Boris Johnson, a minority exerting his interests for the majority, insults our intelligence by informing the populous that come the summer the virus will slow down. This site certainly fails to see the logic. Jewish manipulation works wonders just like the ‘fleas on rats’ blamed for the 14th century plague that could not survive in the much cooler northern climate but served as an ideal distraction for the tribes criminal act. Interestingly, whilst Europe was in recovery from a devastating world war brutalising a generation in its prime the 1918/19 flu epidemic hit. Killing between 50 million and 100 million people, it was mysteriously misnamed the Spanish flu even though it was known it arrived from a military base in Jewish occupied America.

Anti Zionist League #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming antizionistleague.com

Sexual Bolshevism is the politicization of sexual depraved acts and behaviours that are collectively described as mental disorders under the term paraphilias. Coined in Germany by Ludwig Hoppe, a Lutheran pastor from Berlin who in 1921 authored Sexual Bolshevism and Defense Against Same.Broadly it encapsulates Jewish Marxist persons and groups that continually seek acceptance of sexual depravity and lobby for changes to the legal and medical status of perverted sexual interests and practices. This is the origin of ‘sex education’ delivered to children in the classroom proving that it is a deliberate policy to undermine Europe.

(video titled “Truth Video: Jews Created The Porn Industry)