
forever13 #psycho rapey.org

I followed a girl who must have been 11 years old shopping with her mother in the Mall on Sunday. The girl had ass cleavage in shorts, toned thighs, curves and low cut top and perky c-cup breasts already. So proof she was menstruating, but I don't think she'd had cock yet.

I'd taken an unspoiled virgin slit vagina over a 21 year old roastie any day of the week. Men who say 21 are fearful and trying to appease normies, instead of letting nature take its course. Male sexuality is a tool for making him horny and guiding him into making the right mating choice. All while warning him to avoid used up women unable to conceive healthy babies with paternal certainty.

Caamib #psycho rapey.org

The thing is, his position had become very precarious the moment he let the seriously ill Kerstin out of the basement. There were already serious doubts as to the existence of some cult and he'd likely be discovered anyway. In fact, it's a miracle his shabby story survived as long as it did. The wisest thing was to just let Kerstin die or maybe recover spontaneously and dump her body somewhere later if she doesn't recover.

But Fritzl didn't do that, and that shows he had humanity in him and wasn't quite the monster the media portray him to be.

Maximilian von Auschwitz #sexist #psycho rapey.org

[Heebpill] If given opportunity, what to choose - sex with 11 years old girl, or 21 years old female

Degenerate would choose 21 old femoid in any time, because 11 year sol "is just a child". Pedo of not great culture, would always choose 11, because he's just fucker, like normal normies, just atracted only to younger females
Simpliest answer for man of culture, is "one , who is prettier". Because, as much as young girl is desirable, no way I would bang young girl, whos ugly, because that is ewww, so sexy roastie is still better option
More difficult, is if their beauty level is on par. So then it depends on how pretty both of them, as if they are just closer to average, then 11 may be preferable, as average 21 female, especially of white race, is too much of fat robust cow, and better younger girl more sexually and esthetically pleasing. If they of higher beauty level, more stacy tier, then 21 with perfect hourglass figure is more tempting, than too childish 11 (and surpassed by 13, who is perfect blend of childish gracility, and feminine curvatures), so on sheer sexyness alone, 21 could be chosen, but in that case another factor comes - in this degenerate world sex with young girls is problematic, so in tgat way opportunity to be offered sex with 1 years old girl becomes more valuable rarity
And if given more factors, like how much time spent with them. If given hour, for only sexual activity, then dilemma bigger, to choose sheer sexyness, or rarity. But if time offered is bigger, like whole day then better spend it with 11 years old girls, instead of annoying old cunt. And if be offered marriage, then undoubtly it better with 11 years old girl, as soon she becomes perfect 13, and can easier be molded into what kind of waifu I need, while 21 roastie is old and damaged, better only to bang and kick her away

forever13 #crackpot rapey.org

Ever heard of telegony? Women retain the sperm cells and dna of every man they ever slept with, including casual sex partners and bathroom stall blowjobs in their brains through microchimerism. If a woman conceives a child with a another man's sperm, it affects her womb so your babies will take on some of his characteristics.

Scientists also dissected the brains of teenage girls and found while condoms lower the presence of sperm and telegony it doesn't stop it. Even if a girl has not had children, due to condoms, she retains some sperm through her saliva glands in the same way alcohol can go "straight to your head" when giving blowjobs.