
"Dog-Headed Alien People Exist"


QUESTION EVERYTHING? #ufo #crackpot #magick themacchoi.blogspot.com

The original Alien Dog-People of Ancient Egypt were known to be extremely spiritual, possessing supernatural powers. As mentioned before, they protected the people from evil spirits/aliens and also helped dead people move on to the afterlife.

Domesticated dogs as well as wolves, foxes, and the entire canine family are direct descendants of these Alien Dog-People. Is it any coincidence that dogs are known to be man's best friends, and are able to detect spirits? Nope!

Dog-Headed Alien People Exist

Dogs are man's best friends... just stay away from the vicious dog-headed alien people... they will literally try to eat you. There are however, benevolent alien dog-people out there; it is important to differentiate between them; In order to do this, we must raise our vibrations and re-connect with our spirituality!

QUESTION EVERYTHING? #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #moonbat themacchoi.blogspot.com

Dolphins are Descendants of Mermaid Aliens

It is said that the Alien Fish-People came from a water-filled Fish-Bowl-like planet from the Sirius B star system. The water in their fish bowl of a planet became polluted, and they had to find a new home. Filled with clean oceans and sea waters at the time, planet Earth became the new home of the Alien Fish-People.
Sightings of live mermaids/mermen are rare today. The reason for this is because the Alien Fish-People now operate on higher dimensional planes of our reality (perhaps the 4th, 5th, or 6th dimensions), rendering them invisible to us in the lower-density 3rd dimension. It is also possible that the Alien Fish-People operate through the bodies of Dolphins, Whales, and Amphibians.

Dolphins are Descendants of Alien Fish-People
In ancient times, the Alien Fish-People created Dolphins to look after us and to aid us in our spiritual evolution. This explains why Dolphins are so smart and are naturally connected to humans. The noises and sonars produced by Dolphins actually have a healing affect upon the human body!

The Alien Fish-People also created all sea-life on Earth to maintain its biosphere and to make it more compatible with their physical bodies.
It is up to us to put an end to the pollution and to help our Dolphin brothers! Lets raise our vibrations together and swim through the sea of love and light!