S Sinistrari #racist #psycho stormfront.org
Re: Taylor Swift teaches millions of young white women how to race mix and be progressive in new Lover video.
Her and that katey Perry and that hanna montana freako are all the same, you go into the Jew Pervywood normal and come out a freak succubus.
IMHO it is up to the parents to turn the crap off and explain right and wrong to their kids. It is up to the parents to make sure the schools do not go to far with their kids, and if they do, they get with other parents and go after the schools and who is in charge.
I remember the 80's, where the stiff boring old hags were coming after Heavy Metal and such, but at least it was White! The garbage propaganda today is so far beyond the pale you can only look on and be stunned.
Yet you have parents that allow. You have degenerate psychos running the schools and perverts providing the media, and so many are just complacent.
When I was young, we had crazy things, and did crazy things, but never outside into the forbidden. Everyone knew what was right and wrong. Nobody had even the slightest thought of race mixing, it just didn't register, and if you saw someone somewhere, they were an outcast.
But you saw the beginnings of it. The little pushes here and there, and the odd look at some who were 'ok' with things. And now it is like a full blown cancer.
Will there be a time the perversion will end? Sure. But by then they will be pushing something else. The only things left are open pedos and murder.
The time things start to change is when you see torches and pitchforks of angry mobs outside the doors of those responsible.