various commenters #transphobia

RE: EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s New Executive Order on ‘Male and Female’

( Hollyhock )
I'm so pissed the Dems had to go so off the fucking rails w/ gender ideology that we ended up w/ Trump. I mean, the man is simply ordering things that should have never changed and that were such common sense notions we never questioned them until around 2010ish when some narcissists got ahold of post-modern theorizing which would have been fine had it been a mere academic thought experiment but no, the pervs found a way to make it a religion.

( pennygadget )

The Executive Order ends the practice of housing men in women’s prisons and taxpayer funded “transition” for male prisoners.

This alone makes it worth it to have the orange goblin in the White House. No more throwing incarcerated women into rape cages and letting them get impregnated by felons claiming to be women just to get housed with their prey.

I hope this order opens the door for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women to sue the prison system for damages if they were forced to share prison space with a man. And it hope it leads to us finding out the extent of how many women were assaulted, raped, impregnated, coerced into silence, coerced into abortions, etc when that insane trans policy was in effect

Also, I hope they can sue ACLU and bankrupt assholes like Chase Strangio who fought to institute the policy AND fought to cover up the inevitable results of said policy

( momofreyrella )
Yay!!! So they will remove the men from women's prisons?

( OneStarWolf )
Only federally controlled ones though. California and other TRA controlled states will continue to hurt and silence many women in prison.

( snails )
especially considering that rapists and domestic abusers, etc are housed in state prisons. that’s where the dangerous TIMs being housed with women will be.

federal prisons are more for white collar crimes like fraud or money laundering, or tax evasion.

( snails )
I’m really scared what Trump will do for things like abortion and LGB rights (that one justice hinted at overturning same-sex marriage after Roe v Wade was overturned)

but this does make me pretty happy, especially the protection in the workplace stuff.

what does this mean for women’s sports or women’s bathrooms?



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