Anonymous Coward 79336168 #quack #dunning-kruger #conspiracy
Only a fake mask can protect you from a fake pandemic
The pandemic is fake. Yes, people are getting viral infections (although none of the testing is legitimate because none of them can truly identify the specific infection.)
People are dying from non viral causes. What does that mean? Dehydrating diarrhea and vomiting are not caused by chest colds! Nor is dizziness, fainting or skin rashes.
It's time to recognise the real disease It's EMF Disease. NO MASK will stop EMF disease!
EMF Disease is caused by PULSED waves that come from such things as cell towers, Smart 'Beaters, microwave ovens and WiFi.
It doesn't matter if the wave is ionizing or not when it is PULSED. PULSED waves get you like an alarm clock that won't shut off or dripping water. Bit by bit, it drives your DNA nuts and slows down your cilia.
Wake up! Notice if when you're at WalMart or Target if physical symptoms flare up, including places where you don't normally hurt.
[first comment, posted by the OP less than half an hour later]
This message will keep slipping off the front page because it's too meaty for those of you addicted to your cell phones.