Various Commenters #racist
RE: “Stamped” - What Blacks Think About America
I personally consider blacks the enemy. Not only because I do not wish to share a society side by side with them but mainly because whites are mixing with them at increasing rates.. even the elusive (until recently) wm/bw pairing.
It's no wonder how they feel about America and their patriotism being "different." That is because worldwide they identify as AFRICAN first before their nation of birth.
If only Whites could hold such a frame of mind!
Blacks are inferior. They are stupid and lazy by nature. Look at any negro section 8 housing project where the people live off welfare and see how they do nothing productive at all all day. Blacks have smaller brains and are more violent and prone to crime. What people have been right about them for as long as they were around blacks that they are less evolved. I think Rushton and Carlton Coon we're right. They told the truth about race and iq and the science establishment denounced their work.
(White gold)
It was a mistake to bring them here. Take anyone into your home aka nannies, house cleaners, gardeners, etc and they become part of the home, and a certain amount of intimacy is inevitable.
Whites need to stop using non whites as our help!! This habit of having non whites do our chores has literally decimated white civilizations!
Blacks are a cautionary tale. It might seem these lower IQ coloreds are a bargain, but our descendants will pay dearly. They will always remain dependent on us, and both they and us will hate it!!
We need to pick our own fruit, and have only white nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, etc. We will pay more now, but save so much in the future.
About 10 years ago some popular US black rapper came to Poland for concert and collabo with local hip-hop artists. I remember an interview with him when said that he always feel like a total foreigner and immigrant in America despite the fact his ancestors lived there throught the hundreds years.
This is because the United States was built for whites by whites. Blacks did not build America. We were over 90% of the population till like 1965.
America was conceived from white men’s minds. They are the foremost architects of what was once the greatest nation in the world.
It was the Jews passing themselves off as white that convinced white men that America wasn’t a people but an idea that anyone could subscribe to. Now a Mexican illegal can walk across the border and births a baby and that baby is as American as you or I am. But she knows, and the baby when he grows up knows that is not so because they will both hate America, and say we stole it.
For a race to love a country it must have been conceived by their own people. If it wasn’t they will never truly feel comfortable there.
(Ethan Edwards)
I, absolutely, consider the negro to be an enemy. If you do not, you are foolish, because that is exactly what they consider you to be (no matter what your TV, Hollywood Madison Ave., etc. tell you). If you consider the black to be your friend or ally, you are setting yourself up to be their victim.
I only made it half way before I determined blacks are StoOpiD and couldn’t continue.
The only thing really accurate is blacks are not wholly human.
That's right. Blacks are not fully human. It's time for the stupid white masses to realize this fact. No more coddling them, no more enabling them, and no more having them live off of hard working white families.
They are savages. Let's get those boats moving!