“We are coming for your guns.” Who are you sending? The cops who were too afraid to enter a school?
Well, how about a drone then, eh?
Is Kidfucker Kevin Sorbo afraid of a drone maybe?
*He gets to lie about transfolks being pedos and about what’s available to trans minors, I get to lie about him being a pedo. Spread it around, he sure spreads his lies quite far and wide as he can!
Aside from the fact that no one is "coming for your guns," the ATF would be doing it, not local cops.
The same ATF that is often said to be a bit too gung-ho and trigger happy on their operations.
Not saying that I want them to confiscate a whole bunch of firearms, but I trust them to do it more than local cops.
The cops who were too afraid to enter a school?
Defunding the police sounds better and better, doesn't it?
Uh-oh, are you critizising the boys in blue, Sorbo? What does your rabid Christian fundamentalist (and probably tiny) fanbase think of the fact that you just came out as a dirty defund-the-police commie? Isn't critizising the police un-American, you globalist?
Baked Alaska said, or more specifically (c)rapped:
'We love our cops, our law enforcement
We love our bench trials, they're important'
Like he has of late - up to 6/1 - you want to die on that Hill: just like your precious Donald Fart, Kevin Sorearse...?!
@Creativerealms #130532
They love the cops who beat up on minorities, but they also imagine there are shadowy Leftist Police out there waiting to take their guns, close their churches and order gay marriages at gunpoint.
They also like to pretend the military is a hotbed of liberalism. Remember the hilarious fears of a "Texas takeover" by Obama during the 2015 Jade Helm training exercise?
@Sasha #130586
Yep. If, like Uvalde, I spent 40% of my tax-money into cops not even bothering to follow what they were taught about active shooter situations (namely directly engaging them; aside note, isn’t it crazy they had to write down actual standards on the subject?) but brave enough to tase and threaaten with arrestation frightened parents then I would deem the cost-benefit report very poor.
At this level of incompetence, Uvalde would have been better off handing each of its acceptable citizens a gun, ammo and some training.
So gang rule then, Kevin? The uselessness of the police, the perceived threat posed by the government, the idea that nobody is going to help you but you, the fomenting of suspicion and hostility among neighbours that want a visual shorthand for safety and the right to aggressively put fear into anyone that seems like they might start something, and the threat of violence being the great equalizer are all the major talking points for gang recruitment.
Throw in a little race-baiting and the formula is complete.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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