Studies suggest that highly religious Christian couples are more sexually satisfied than their secular counterparts. Does it make sense to reject atheism if you want to have a happy and fulfilling sex life?
Freeedom from atheism? And some fundies complain about Satanic perversion of Christian symbols, &c.
Even though those claims are probably bullshit... Whaf if it was atheist couples who were more satisfied? Is that a good reason to reject belief in the Christian God?
Their source is a study from Brigham Young University. Draw your own conclusions as to how biased that might be....
And the "Freedom From Atheism Foundation"? First of all, talk about a blatantly obvious ripoff of a name. And "freedom from atheism" doesn't even make sense, anyway.
I grew up Mormon. OF COURSE they told a surveyer that they were 'satisfied' with their sex lives. They're afraid to tell anyone, esp. their spouse, they want to try anything [shudder] perverted, or during the day, or in the living room.
They won't even admit that they like to look at the opp. sex.
My wife, on the other hand, sent in the change of address form for my playboy subscription when we moved. I am quite satisfied with my rekationship, including all sexual aspects.
But i do like the idea of walking into my local ward and shouting, "i was told to come here for sexual satisfaction!"
Studies suggest … more sexually satisfied
Subjectively thinking people always want to see the questions that were asked before they draw conclusions from the answers. Define “satisfaction”. If you’re not expecting very much, then you’re likely to be satisfied with very little. So what did the study explore? Frequency, positions, orgasms, oral, locations, role games, fantasies, toys? How were expectations evaluated? If a pious Christian couple thinks once a month with preparatory prayer, lights out, and intent of pregnancy is satisfactory, can that really be used for comparison?
Studies suggest that highly religious Christian couples are more sexually satisfied why did Josh Buggar need to have rough sex with a porn star while poor wifey was pregnant with their fourth child?!
Kinsey, Masters & Johnson, Krafft-Ebing and Havelock Ellis would have something to say about those so-called 'studies'.
So many did after Buggargate, Buggargate II: Electric Buggarloo & the aforementioned Buggargate III: Revenge of the Sin , so you tell me, OP.
GTFO. Christians of any strain are the last ones I would ever consult or even consider asking when it comes to getting freaky between the sheets. Uptight, humorless prudes who make themselves feel guilty for admiring a hot person on the other side of the fence should not be giving anyone any sort of advice about sex. Or anything, for that matter, unless someone wants to become a self loathing nightmare. If I want to become an empty headed slave with no respect for my future, I’ll go to church.
There is no freedom from atheism. We are everywhere, & we’re smarter than you.
@The_Crimson_Ghost :
"GTFO. Christians of any strain are the last ones I would ever consult or even consider asking when it comes to getting freaky between the sheets. Uptight, humorless prudes who make themselves feel guilty for admiring a hot person on the other side of the fence should not be giving anyone any sort of advice about sex."
I think you're painting with too broad a brush. You know there are Christians who don't fit that description, right? Their religion might be bullshit, but most of them are just regular people.
Does it make sense to embrace Christianity and live a life of lies? "Better sex life" promises aren't going to convert anyone, because the promise is too vague and unprovable, and the cost is much, much too high.
@ Spacewyrm- Perhaps. I don’t like using broad brushes, but I am no longer willing to grant them the benefit of the doubt. If the “regular” christian majini take issue with the extremists within their cult, only they can address & change it. Day after day christians prove that they, as a whole, do not deserve it. I think the situation is incredibly sad, but that’s my position at this moment. I don’t actively wish harm or misfortune on them, but until I see a visible change within the christian community I’ll continue to view them as frightened ignoramuses who continue to deny reality while deluding themselves about their own intellectual inferiority.
@The_Crimson_Ghost :
"If the “regular” christian majini take issue with the extremists within their cult, only they can address & change it."
There are plenty of more liberal Christians who do take issue with the extremists. The fundies like to pretend that they're not *real* Christians, but we shouldn't let the rightwing nuts define for us who's a Christian or not.
"Day after day christians prove that they, as a whole, do not deserve it."
As a whole? Are the only Christians you know fundie nutjobs?
"I don’t actively wish harm or misfortune on them, but until I see a visible change within the christian community I’ll continue to view them as frightened ignoramuses who continue to deny reality while deluding themselves about their own intellectual inferiority."
I contend that there has been a visible change in the Christian community. Today, there are Christians who think being gay is no big deal. It wasn't that long ago that such a position would have been absurd in any Christian denomination. Also, you don't have to be a frightened ignoramous to harbor some irrational beliefs. Humans as a whole tend to be pretty bad at being completely rational and being smart doesn't prevent holding irrational beliefs altogether.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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