@Simone.in.Norway #sexist youtube.com
Men are physically stronger than women. It's not rocket science. An that's the reason why they have been in the position where they have been throughout history, including the position of being expended for the sake of women and children. But eventually, In the comfort of this modern world, physical strength has lost much of its value, and consequently the traditional position of men in society has been put into question.
In the softness of this modern digital era, most people have been relieved from hard physical work, and they have forgotten how hard life was for both men and women throughout history. And it's this very same comfort that grants people the privilege to dwell in their existential resentment and vent all their frustrations against the "patriarchy", "toxic masculinity" and other "social constructs" ... ending up incarnating the very problem that they claim to fight against. Pure projection.