Awake Carolina #moonbat #conspiracy #racist #ufo
The indigo is against the realm of societal brainwashing and after experiencing the hype behind things like college football and reality tv shows... they quickly move on from this charade.
The purpose of life is a life with a purpose. So i'd rather die for a cause, than live a life that is worthless.
No indigo wants to be shamed for their exceptional gifts but they are often labeled autistic or high functioning with Aspergers. Many indigos are labeled schizophrenic because they can see outside the matrix of modern day society. If one says they can see in the 4th dimension and 5th dimension (consisting of portals, telepathic communication, ghosts, demons, angels, gods, etc) they are deemed "CRAZY."
THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM IN SOCIETY. The crazy people are the sane people and the one considered normal is a functional working man or woman who doesn't question the false narrative of life controlled by people like the Illuminati Cabal. The Federal Reserve has enslaved the minds of weak men with machine hearts. Thank the Rothschild Family and Israel for that. Indigo children know something is wrong with the way we are living as a society and have a strong urge to fix the game we play everyday. Unfortunately, the indigo and rainbow children are misunderstood.
The lightbringers and starseeds are rejected by society causing civil unrest and disturbing the balance within the force. The righteous remain poor and the greedy remain rich and powerful. This dynamic will soon change as technological society expands and the information is more accessible. With the internet, people can become so intelligent these days, it causes people to question their sanity. Sorry to inform those of you watching Big Bang Theory and NFL Sunday Ticket.... you are a fucking problem.
You are what we call victims of the BREAD AND CIRCUS ACT - term coined by CAESAR of THE ROMAN EMPIRE. AMERICA is an EMPIRE. AN EMPIRE THAT WILL SOON FALL. What the future holds is unknown but is it known that lightbringers, indigo children, and starseeds have come to upset the established order and bring peace to the galaxy as a whole.
We are able to communicate with extraterrestrials, recognize chemtrails, understand controlled opposition, protest against warfare, and grasp 5D. We see the religious corruption and the fake jews and fake christians.
The Vatican is a corrupt pit of Zionist Luciferians. The Talmudic Law is approaching a new age of Satanism. The Synagogue of Satan controls Hollywood Industries and Major Cities in America. Israel is providing the majority of the problems we face via deception and trickery. Israeli-Americans own everything and duel citizens are a threat to our human rights. Those who think they are superior to others are no good for humanity. These jews believe they are chosen by God to occupy a land that never belonged to them. They refuse to assimilate.