kingjameswriter1965 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy


Image: An election sign reading “Any functioning adult 2020”

I saw this on somebody’s fence when I went out this morning. Obviously what they’re implying here is that whoever is running for office this Primary Election may well be more than likely an immature, hen-pecked, wishy-washy, God-hating, Christ-rejecting, Bible-bashing, makeup-and-nail-polish-wearing, LGBTQ-pushing, probably transgender, novice who will make and break promises, a continual and shameful disgrace to our once great nation. Nothing is getting better, not by a long shot.

Folks, let me let you in on something. Voting is nothing but a propaganda front to make you think your choices will win. Fact is, you have no choice in today’s world. You learn what you know from the all-powerful newsmedia and entertainment industry. Whoever wins was already decided long before the elections even began. It has been this way for many decades, since after President Kennedy was shot in broad daylight.

I love what my country used to be many moons ago. Notice I said, USED TO BE. I hate this country now. I hate this “Great Satan” just like I hate her father, the Devil. No bones about it, the UnTIED States of AmeriKa is rapidly headed towards destruction. The last thing we need is another wannabe in the White House who talks like a man but thinks like a woman. I’m not naming names, but you see what I’m getting at, unless you live under a rock.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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