Pastor Mark Downey #racist #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy

Christian Identity cannot be blamed for the debauchery of our economy, the madness of Catch-22 no-win wars, the plunge into the abyss of moral decadence, the homogenization of religions, races and governments, or a host of other factors that are bringing about the collapse of Western civilization. The Identity Truth of Jesus Christ wakes White people up to the real world, a ravaged wasteland that imprisons your mind with the Big Lie. The White race is in a coma. All nations are deceived by sorceries, an allusion to the narcotics of churchianity (Rev. 18:23) and the theocracy of Babylon. If you think outside of the Matrix, the politically correct world view, you might catch a glimpse of John's vision in Rev. 20:4, “The souls of those beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and for the Word of God, and who did not worship the beast nor its image.”

Christianity, albeit in name only, prevailed in Europe for a thousand years. The early Christians suffered death and persecutions from the pagan sword of Rome, from the antichrist influence of jews. Because the true Christian would not bow down to false gods, they were vindicated by the Word; their witnessing overcame the jewish propaganda. The non-conformist saints made no profession of the Popish religion, nor did they think to hyphenate Christ with a bloody 'judeo'; they protested and departed from the great whore of Babylon and stood for Christ, the King of kings. We are encouraged by the Word in our warfare, that we may lose our flesh and blood body, but not our soul; our heads may be chopped off with an axe, but we will die with a clear racial consciousness, having done our spiritual duties. And the promise in verse 4 is that these martyrs will sit upon thrones and judgment will be given them to dispense; by their walking the walk with Christ in the world, they will judge and condemn the world. It's a little scary just thinking about your head falling to the ground detached from your body; but there's your wake-up call, time to smell the coffee, pay attention to what is affecting the quality (or lack thereof) of your life. This is the glory of our Christian calling, to administer the righteous judgments against the adversaries of God and our race; these satans will be bound and burned in the fires of divine justice. These adversaries, as portrayed in seminaries and college classes on eschatology, are jews who fancy themselves as the chief men who will judge the world to come. But, the talmud says jews are the Messiah collectively, not sometime in the future, but now.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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