Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from$55SQ9NP4RD, Transscript starting around 25:48 and ending around 28:25 of a 36-minute video)
and I said

how the hell can she see gender-critical arguments as in any way opposed to anti-racism and de-colonialism?

and Taln said "'gender-critical feminism' is fundamentally opposed to intersectionality" - oh don't be so silly, feminism is about women's liberation and that means all women. Being gender critical is a key part of feminism, because gender when defined as a social construct that dictates expectations on how people are supposed to be because of our sex - so masculine and feminine - it's regressive, it's a straight jacket that hurts women and men. But being gender critical isn't denying other intersecting forms of oppression, based on ethnicity, on sexual orientation, or religion or disability. Some of the most high profile and active gender critical feminists are lesbians and some are black and some like Linda Bellos and Allison Bailey are both.

I said

gender critics care about all women

and Taln said "no, 'gender-critical feminists' clearly do not at all care about all women, because they, by definition, can not care about the well-being of trans women" so called trans women are, by definition, men. If they weren't, they wouldn't be called trans women. And some of them are trying to push back on women's rights. Those ones, and all of those who support them, are the enemies of women.

"And the fact that you are dragging out the talking point of transition regret, despite the prevalence of transition regret being extremely low with about one percent" - love it, when they refer to scientific papers. The very first line of this one says "there is an unknown percentage of transgender and gender non-conforming individuals who undergo gender affirmation surgeries that experiences regret" surgeries, Right. Of course it's unknown. I recall saying in a previous video that huge numbers of those, who've gone through any degree of medical transition and regretted it, did not tell their doctors or therapists. Check out the detransition subreddit, which now has nearly 26 000 subscribers.



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