Since day one? Eh… you’re aware that Jews have been around thousands of years longer than Muslims, right? Islam is the new kid on the block. God spoke to Abraham and Moses, and Judaism began. God spoke to Jesus and Christianity began. God spoke to Muhammad and Islam began. Since then, he’s been fairly quiet, so apparently he got what he wanted conveyed to the humans. The only thing left now for us to do, is to combine the pieces, complete the puzzle. Buuuut…, we prefer to kill each other instead. God must be SO proud! I wouldn’t be surprised at all, if he just gave up on this “ant-farm” and went to another solar-system to start all over again, with something less bothersome than humans.
False dichotomy. There are white Europeans among both the Jews and the Muslims, as they are RELIGIOUS groups, not ethnic groups (though Jews can be both).
How are you going to remove over two billion people, dearie, without any of them protesting or fighting back? The Jews is the “easy” part, only between 14 and 17 million people. So, you just need three Holocausts, either three nations with the same efficiency as the Germans, or one nation with three times the efficiency. Easy-peasy, right? Then come the second part; the Muslims, 1,8 BILLION people. That’s like three hundred Holocausts; you need to send them all one-way to Mars or something, in one single go preferably. Good luck with that plan, honey.