So here is a platform for any of you Democrats out there to use to explain to me and others about your party. I would love to see what you have to say, no, I really would. BUT, keep in mind, this isn't a post to do your Trump bashing! You can do that elsewhere any time you'd like. Any comments found to be disrespectful to President Trump will be deleted and may or may not result in your removal from my face book. That also goes to Trump supporters making disrespectful comments twords Democrats that respond RESPECTFULLY! Aaaaand, GO!
Any comments found to be disrespectful to President Trump will be deleted
Alright, define what you mean by “disrespectful” then. Wanna bet that Donnie here will block anyone with even the slightest criticism of the Trump Administration’s policies? Waaaaay to encourage people being open and honest, StormTrumper… Criticizing one’s leadership is part of what makes a free Democracy what it is.
1- I vote Labour here in Britain
2- It's 1 PM British Summer Time (PROTIP: The Greenwich Meridian )
3- Fact: Donald Fart is the worst president in US history
4- I'm on FSTDT and there's less than fuck all you can do about it
5- ?????
6- Aaaaand, GO take a long walk off the very short Corporation Pier , OP
...I'll watch you doing so while enjoying a pint outside the Minerva pub near there. Cheers!
Who does he think is going to fall for that? There is no arguing with a right wing majini; I’d rather sit on my living room floor & paint my toenails purple.
I’ll bash Pig Vomit whenever I damn well please, especially online. Fuck him & fuck you.
@The_Crimson_Ghost #48948
Exactly. Fundies and extremists generally can’t be reasoned with at all; hence why they are fundies and extremists in the first place. And to me, StormTrumpers count as such; because IMO no sane person would still support Trump.
And before any Republican says anything; I’m not saying voting Rep automatically makes you insane. But voting for Trump does; if Trump had (somehow) joined with the Democrats, I’d have thrown my weight in with the Republicans myself.
What's so fundie about this? I understand the mistrust, but what if this guy is asking for respectful debate in earnest?
EDIT: Nope, it was just a bunch of Dem bashing.
@Timjer #48955
And before any Republican says anything; I’m not saying voting Rep automatically makes you insane.
I'll say it! Republicans, you're crazy! :-)
But voting for Trump does; if Trump had (somehow) joined with the Democrats, I’d have thrown my weight in with the Republicans myself.
Ugh. If the Democrats got that bad, and the Republicans were still the same old Republicans, I'd move to Canada.
@Timjer #48955
I will. At this point, voting right wing makes one obviously unstable & unreasonable. The entire party has chosen to attach itself to him, & they deserve everything they have coming to them, which I fervently hope is utter decimation at the ballot box, followed by prison time. It will never happen, because this is the US-the dumbest country on Earth. I take no joy in saying that, & I certainly don’t claim that everyone in US borders is an idiot, & not just because I live here. But it’s undeniable that there is a frighteningly high level of willfull stupidity/ignorance across the country. Now, anyone who chooses to side with Pig Vomit & his fellow right wing majini, despite the mountains of evidence that he’s an incompetent criminal is plainly out of their goddamned skull.
tl;dr- Right wingers are stupid, lots of Americans are both stupid & crazy.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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