
JonFreeman #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Just so y'all know.

Most news outlets (nbc, cnn, npr, etc) have an office in China.

In order to maintain their broadcast license IN china, they are not allowed to broadcast news that the CCP deems negative OUTSIDE of China.

Granted, that information won't change your mind. By now the lot of you who still believe that newscasters are credible are so mentally inbred nothing (including a lobotomy) could change your mind.

Get It Right Mike #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger yahoo.com

I think that Trump should Nationalize all of the DNC's assets and label them as a terrorist group.

Biden was spending $150 BILLION per year in his last two years to support the illegals free life here. While only spending $10 Billion on American Homeless which includes our Vets & Seniors. We were throwing AMERICANS out of rooms & shelters simply so as to give them to the illegals! NewsWeek Dec 29, 2022-- Tensions flared last fall in New York City when homeless Black Americans were removed from their shelter to be replaced by illegal aliens.-- 9NEWS 12/4/2023--AURORA, Colo-- In the middle of winter & right before the holidays Americans were kicked to the curb so that the illegals could have their rooms. So not only are we paying for the illegals rooms we are throwing out Americans to get the rooms. That is the Democrats true face & mindset.-- Remember this action in the next election!

Allister Heath #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger yahoo.com

Those in today’s world who seek to exercise power over us – the woke mob, “human rights” lawyers, pressure groups, bureaucrats, politicians, regulators, big tech companies, HR departments, the post-liberal intelligentsia, the know-it-alls, the propagandists – are fully aware that free speech is their very own kryptonite. They dread scrutiny, and fear being held to account.

Their strategy to combat open and fearless expression can vary. Speech can be regulated or constrained by laws, directives or official guidance, as with ever-expanding privacy case law or “non-crime hate incidents”; bullying, shunning and cancelling dissidents can also work well, forging a toxic culture of self-censorship.

There is no better way to stamp out dissent than to cite a “speech code”, or claim that “the science” isn’t being followed, or to dismiss somebody’s opinion as a “conspiracy theory” (even when it is not) or to warn that somebody’s feelings are being hurt.

Several of the greatest global scandals of recent years could have been avoided had speech been freer. In Britain and Europe, cancel culture was deployed against anybody who questioned the scale and impact of mass migration, with sceptics smeared as racists. The Hunter Biden scandal was covered up, including by Facebook, which censored a New York Post story ahead of the 2020 elections. It became impossible to discuss the likelihood that Covid originated from an accidental lab leak in Wuhan; posts or articles would be removed from social media or search engines, and authors hounded as xenophobes.

WinterDragonGod #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

This is just me being a Doomer so don't take it personally.... but honestly I just don't see any hope for America these days.

There's so much degeneracy and apathetic bullshit going on that it's obvious people don't care as long as they make a quick buck from it. Like, lets be honest here, regardless of who becomes President America isn't gonna recover. We're too deep in debt with other countries such as China, rampant Illegal Immigration, heavy Drug Use and other things.

I don't know what else to say other than that we're fucked. The American Dream is dead and has become the Nightmare and no one's willing to wake up and see reality for what it really is.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Back in 2020, Trump signed a order stating that all companies that participated in movements that preached ideals contrary to "men should not be judged according to the color of their skin" would have all government contracts revoked and all government funding suspended.
DEI is affirmative Action 4.0, placing people according to the color of their skin
Companies are quickly and quietly canceling all DEI hiring practices in prep for January
And soon DEI is going to be completely openly mocked and ridiculed.
You woke bastards should be scared. No more free handouts for you.

JonFreeman #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

The next time you see a liberal unironically fly off the handle in an uncontrolled sociopathic fury, justifying it as "triggered"


Remember that real ptsd triggered looks more like "fetal position begging for mercy even in the company of friends"


And that liberals only care about mental health so long as they get praised for it

JonFreeman #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

When you consider the debates, the context of "who won" should be determined by "what's talked about next month.
And what's talked about is people finding out what's going on in Springfield, and a giant cat meme perpetually forcing attention on the issue
Pretty sure that means Trump won. The narrative went exactly where he wanted it to.

ase2000 #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Recently one of my memes was taken down by Deviantart for being "hate speech".

Now this is of course ridiculous, as the content of said meme is actually comprised of direct quotes from Karl Marx, and five other communist dictators about their opinions on LGBTlmnopxyz... The idea being that it would expose the communist dictators, and their actual opinions on the subject. So, if that is "hate speech", then according to Deviantart's own policy, any pro-communist rhetoric, and specifically pro-Marxist, rhetoric should be taken down for the same reason.

This is also against the values of the first amendment of the United States, because believe it or not, "hate speech" is protected by it (which as pointed out earlier the meme isn't even hateful).

Anyway, in complete defiance of the anti-1a policy here is the meme


Bonus Comment


Thank you for this! I got censored on Youtube for stating that Trans people need therapy and counseling for mental illness, not affirmation and mandates. DA like so many other sites and organisations don't want to "be cancelled" so they just bow. Well don for standing up against this evil

JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

A fundamental flaw of woke is "right makes might".

It's an attitude of "i an doing the right thing, therefore i will succeed, therefore anyone who doesn't believe me must be wrong and must be actively a threat"

This belief of the right to succeed supercedes hard work and attention to detail ... which leads to failure.

Hence: go woke go broke

Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com


it isn’t odd if you know the end game they have behind it people get mad cause I’m voting TRUMP but don’t want to see the ugly side of what the so called progressive Tolerant left wants to do.we are the carbon they want to reduce(when I say that I mean depopulation ) if you look at what globalists are plotting destroying America is just the first step in they’re evil bid to control the planet)


I SWEAR DeviantArt brings out the ugly in people. Just look at this guy over here!

I know I’m just awful to want to keep what I work for and be left alone

Atticus-Kotch #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot deviantart.com

Still crazy that 48 hours ago, we nearly lost Trump to some deranged assassin.

They couldn't impeach him, so they tried to bankrupt him.
They couldn't bankrupt him, so they tried to put him in jail.
They couldn't put him in jail...so the next logical step was to kill him.

Given the past 8 years of constant "Trump is Hitler" rhetoric being spewed by the MSN, I shouldn't be surprised that something like this would happen. And a part of me hoped it wouldn't escalate this far. But, here we are.

My condolences go to Corey Comperatore's family. Corey was the firefighter who was shot protecting his family during the rally. He shouldn't have died.

And he wouldn't have if the secret service had done their job. I still don't understand how they left that rooftop completely unguarded. It had direct line of sight of the stage. So it's no wonder that many people think that it was an inside job, and the shooter was basically allowed to get up there and open fire. Or it was as insane levels of incompetence.

And it's gross how many leftists are angry that the guy didn't hit Trump. We got Jack Black and Tenacious D talking about how "next time they shouldn't miss." Mark Hamill deleting a tweet celebrating the shots that were fired, then replacing it with the usual "I don't condone violence" message to make himself look better. Just take a look at people like Libs of Tiktok, and you'll find plenty of other examples too.

The silver lining is just how much this assassination attempt has galvanized the Trump base. I am 100% ready to to see his second term after he's declared the winner in November.

I'm glad Trump survived. But I get a bad feeling this won't be the last attempt on his life. Here's hoping I'm wrong.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

It's worth remembering that back in 2020 trump signed a order starting all institutions that endorse inequality (effectively all woke companies, since "blame whitey" is the opposite of "not judged by the color of your skin") will be barred from all gov contracts

This would spell the actual financial doom of all things woke. It would also castrate the education system, as they're all gov funded and woke as fuck.

While Biden (under his master's orders) hasn't enforced it ... trump certainly would once back in office.

This should give all liberals fear.

For all liberals are woke

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

4 years ago, a jackoff told me that we were entering a new utopia.

And here we are now.

Food prices doubled. Wars everywhere. Censorship is still rampant. The Fed has had to redefine what inflation is.

So to every liberal out there: you have enabled the leftist utopia to come to fruition.

Fuck every single one of you.

JonFreeman #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

If you compare the vague speech of the Canadian "anti-hatespeech" law to the Hong Kong "anti espionage" act ... and to Putin's anti espionage laws

You'll realize they're the same thing.

The woke

The Chinese communists

The Russian Imperialists

They're all the same, just wearing different Masks

They all want to end you

Jonathan432 #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

Full title: Hollywood/Video Game industry panic as BS is rejected

Hollywood and video game industry have something in common they are seeing less money and less customers and harder for stuff to break-even and make profits enough to run the company without layoffs and budget cuts. People focusing on old and retro movies, tv shows, video games. Woke, social justice, etc has chase away enough people retro and nostalgia being enjoyed more and more.

JonFreeman #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

I kiiiiinda think that a lot of folks who buy into the whole "free will is a lie, scientific predetermination is the way" ... fall into in of 3 camps

a) they can't think for themselves.

b) they have such low effort thought processes that others can predict their every move, so they're conned into thinking they have no free agency

c) they're the despicable con artists who can read other people and manipulate them into thinking they don't have a choice in the matter.

JonFreeman #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com

it's worth reminding that we had a particular individual hold office for 4 years ... nato didn't dissolve, wwiii didn't happen, the economy thrived until the CDC covered China's back in Wuhan


so the next time you hear a fearmonger say "orange man bad", remember they're a mentally inbred piece of shit who has no recollection of history other than what celebrities tell them.

kimballfount #wingnut #racist reddit.com

Bone Tomahawk is the Evil Dead of the 21st century. It has generated a large cult following and for good reason. No CGI, the acting is great, and the story is unfiltered and unadulterated. This movie was written and produced at the peak of Hollywood's woke 3rd Reich production initiatives. It's a big "Fuck You" to the clowns making movies these days who are too scared to depict minority groups or the indigenous in any sort of villainous light.

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

I suspect there's a problem with libs acknowledging that the US has budget constraints (regarding being able to provide Ukrainian aide)


it indicates that the US economy might not actually be sunshine and rainbows and that it might, in fact, be absolute dogshit with real inflation still being painfully high ... meaning Biden fucked up.


can't admit that, so clearly everyone else is a facist.

Scott Gang #sexist #dunning-kruger msn.com

Stop telling men EVERYTHING they're doing is toxic or evil for a start... because not everything is. Then stop blaming them for "the sins of their forefathers" this is not the 1800's or 1950's anymore...... treat us as individuals and don't generalize... try this, dialogue will improve.

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

Taiwan takes great pride in the fact that they have in person voting, paper only systems, and complete transparency of the counting process (nothing behind closed doors).

Taiwan values this because the CCP has sought repeatedly to destroy any semblance of fair elections.

... so here in the US ... which party seeks to do away with paper voting?




JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

I had a lib tell me straight faced, no irony, full of chest, 100% serious that "the biggest problem with society today is that people don't trust the government enough."

... and people wonder why I come across as "bitter" or "cynical" ... it's because people really are that stupid ... and most don't even realize how stupid they are.

Brotherofsteel5 #racist deviantart.com

So if you want a themed weekend of "movies who made hipters and cucks cry" Watch Oppeihemer, and The Northman. You know the movie about ancient scandinavian, where there are no strong and independant black woman, and zero diversity, just WHITES EUROPEANS.

Booooohooooo hipsters! The big bad whiter straight man is hidded under your bed, and will tickle you until you will pee in your bed....

Various commenters #wingnut #racist #pratt deviantart.com


I don't feel sorry for peoples like that.
They behave like savages, drive a car like douches, and after that they are surprised to got a crash.
They hitted a truck and 2 of them died, but what if they hitted persons who just walked on the sidewalk, or a car with childrens inside?
Rest to their souls, but for the rest...

This is the result of stupidity/lefty propaganda hooking up, you get a generations of arrogant idiots that will blindly surrender their lives for cheap thrills.

DemitriVladMaximov #wingnut #racist #fundie deviantart.com

This is the effect of voting on emotions rather than policies and the rot in our society. There are those who are trapped in their own addictions, their own bodies unable to do anything to help themselves. The increase in drug use, crime, shipping jobs away from out nation, and the lack of fathers and healthy households instead trying to escape reality than deal with it leads to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysgxfm7w-9E

Don't get confused about the propaganda, don't abandon the morals that helped build this nation, and don't forget honest truths like hard work, family, and you are your brother's keeper. We as a nation need to turn this around and sadly I have no idea what to do so far from major problems. We have people trafficing in human beings using them as slave labor and abusing kids, we have drugs being shipped in on mass from around the world, we have people who are so broken then I have no idea how to help, and even those who want to do right, how are they going to fix their cities where gang violence rules with no guns in the hands of the common people while violent thugs can ship in military grade full autos to protect their drug empires?

Madarao123 #psycho #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Obviously, say what you will about abusive parents, or cops. I get some people shouldn't be in that profession, and some people shouldn't have kids in the first place. That's a whole case by case basis, can of worms we don't need to touch.

The unfortunate truth is parenthood comes with needing to dish out some discipline sometimes. Got to stop the bad behavior from growing until it gets out of control. And police or whoever have to kick the ass instead.

I'm not hear to tell anybody how to parent, I couldn't care less if you use THE BELT, a slipper, or just your hand. Your house, your kid, your rules, choose your tool. Will just say make sure you manage to get through the fact your doing out of love. Love hurts sometimes and all that.

Cops won't kick a bad kids ass out of love. And the people those bad kids end up with in jail REALLY don't care how much they kick a kids ass.

So be thankful your dad or whoever kicked your not as hard as other people could. Your ass could be destroyed if they didn't.

Evil Is Petty Award

JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist deviantart.com

Point of advice for those who are not politically anchored:

The era of "peace dividends" are rapidly drawing to close. WWIII is going to be a conventional war (ukraine as proven as such), and already everyone is putting off the obvious military spending increase as it will cut into vote-winning social programs.

It will happen, however.

So, if you're not politically anchored: start marketing to crowds who are not anchored to social programs for their income. Those social welfare funds are going to get slashed as defense spending gets an uptick in this new war climate ... meaning the woke demographics will have even less disposable income.

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

Personally, I don't know why every country on the planet with a military production complex ISN'T shipping their combat kit to Ukraine. This is like the PERFECT opportunity to rake in some easy free advertising.

"Hey dudes, I know everyone bought from Russia - but as you can clearly see their tanks are shit. And here's some real time footage of my military gear kicking in that shit. I think it's time you ditched the Ruskie shit and signed on some new kit with me for your self defense needs ... after all, it's not like China's gonna resist the urge to be a dick and kick off WWIII."

JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

(When someone ask why his posts are always political.)

There's several reasons, but I'll give the most depressing one: it doesn't hurt my bottom line.

As far as I can tell, the woke don't have disposable income. I can't tell how many times I've seen someone get offended and say "I was thinking about supporting you, but now I won't." and I'm just thinking "bulllllllllshit, if you were actually going to pay me you would have."

... it's not like Disney where they've had the lowest attendance summer at their theme parks ever (hell knows how much that has cost them) ... or Bud Light laying off tens of thousands of employees.

That's kind of the dark punch line of the whole thing. It simply is what it is.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Liberals are Xenophobic to the extreme.

Why else would they decry that all cultures must remain pure, and that no outsiders have the right to infringe upon their own culture. The common cry of "you're just saying that 'cause you're white" is about as xenophobic as you can possibly get.

I mean, the fact that trendy pan-Asian cuisine is the literal definition of cultural appropriation, according to their terms. Or let alone the fact that "Asian Heritage Month" is a thing, with the motto of "we love Asians, 1 Asian is as good as another!" But that's SOMEHOW acceptable and different and exempt from their holy judgement because it's a liberal inspired movement because ... well ... they're like orks. They can simultaneously hold 2 completely contradictory accounts of reality as truth and not think anything of it.

fuck it. Liberals are why humanity deserves nuclear holocaust.

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

So, Iibs started wondering why libs get so pissed off when you talk about Elites running the show.


Then I realized that it's because libs are so full of themselves that thought of anyone being better than themselves (especially "elites") is just so offensive that it simply cannot exist.

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

Companies should strive to be "all inclusive" because not everyone is worth including.

I mean, do you really want to compromise your product to accommodate that 1-in-100 idiot who still walks around wearing a mask? It's been 3 years, and those morons still haven't figured out they don't work; instead, they abide by their surrogate religion.


No, it isn't worth including them. You compromise the core too much to reach that final 5%. Let them rot.

JonFreeman #wingnut deviantart.com

If Chinese farmers begin to revolt (as counter measures indicate the CCP is afraid of happening...)


You can expect progressive leaning leaders and sheep minded libs to rush to the CCP's defense.

The notion that "brutal simple minded people" don't recognize that upstanding city folk benefit everyone is an idea that must not be allowed to propagate


Ya know, since people might realize that welfare leeches, self obsessed artists, and career politicians provide zero benefit to society

JonFreeman #wingnut #sexist deviantart.com

Remember: feminist writers kill off "toxic male" heroes and attempt to replace them with Mary Sue protags (heman, terminator, 1st draft indy 5)


Just like how they wish they could murder men in real life. Or how they destroy the careers of male rivals and usurp their positions.


Because damn those evil men.


Totally trustworthy those women are