Sherry Shriner #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #god-complex
<Its a long one but a loo-loo>
Why Do We Need Orgone?
By Sherry Shriner
I get asked all the time, "why should we make Orgone?" and that's the same question I kept asking myself until I realized WHY Yah kept leading me to it, so I could protect myself and others without having to constantly stay alert without ever a break from all my enemies constantly trying to attack and kill me. It was relentless, the daily attacks from Satan, our government, assassins, witches, warlocks, Satanists and all those who love Satan and hated Yah and me. When Yahuah told me years ago "you're my mouthpiece and you will speak to the nations" I never imagined all the attacks and hatred I would receive from so many people, organizations, groups, ministries, and beings. I had constant unwanted attention from those who set out to hate and attack me and the supernatural attacks from aliens and UFOs increased daily as well. It was a zoo.
The Bible warns us that the Last Days would be "as in the days of Noah." In the days of Noah fallen angels (aliens) were running rampant in the land abducting and impregnating human women. Hybrids (giants) were born as a result of the offspring between fallen angels and human women. Hybridization was common not just with aliens/fallen angels and women, but these wicked angels crossbred with animals as well.
In the last days we are seeing a huge rise in UFO/Alien abductions and crossbreeding with animals, hybridization of human offspring being born half human half alien, and even many created and born in labs with a variable mix of DNA.
Today we are also under attack by things the Apostles could have never been able to describe such as satellite weapons, HAARP weather weapons, chemtrails, chip implantation, vaccinations and flu shots that carry cancers and diseases to harm mankind (not help). ELF weapons, RNM weapons, microwave never ends.
When I asked the Lord how to stop these tech based weapons from being used against us He led me to Orgone. Orgone is a crystal based defense weapon using piezo electric energy that produces an ancient energy we know as Aether Energy. Aether Energy is a Positive life and healing energy. It is also known in some forms as Chi energy and the Bible Codes describes it as Yah's breath. It is seen as a blue aura around earth.
We have found that with Orgone we can repel negative and evil energies and evil beings. Aliens and demons don't like being around it. Humans who are possessed by aliens and demons don't like being around it either. It burns them, asphyxiates them and some even break out in rashes and boils being around it. It doesn't affect normal humans. For normal humans it's a healing life energy, the same energy that surrounds our planet from which all life thrives and grows in its presence.
Orgone can stop chemtrails, ELF and RNM and microwave weapons, it can end night terrors by keeping aliens and demons out of your house and bedroom at night. It's a constant source of positive energy. You can fight with spiritual warfare prayers but you have to be constantly praying and on alert, and by the time your praying you're already under attack. Same with anointing your home with holy oil. It wears off after a week or two and you have to keep anointing your home. With Orgone it works every second of every day and never wears off. It's a constant emitter of Aether energy, of Yah's breath.
Evil people and beings hate it and are trying to find ways to combat the Orgone energy we produce. Satan is constantly raising up people to hate and try to discredit it, because he wants it banned from the earth. Our Orgone crashes their UFOs, burns aliens, keeps demons away, and has 101 other uses that benefit mankind, Satan wants to destroy, hurt, and kill mankind.
We don't worship Orgone. Orgone is a defense weapon. Yah never sent Israel to war without a plan or a weapon to use whether it be swords or horns (Jericho). His ways are not always mans ways. David killed Goliath with a stone. We're killing the giants in our day with Orgone blasters that look like hockey pucks. It's what He has led us to use to defend ourselves against the ever increasing tech weapons and alien/demonic attacks against us. And their growing visible presence all over the world in our skies.
There's people who call it witchcraft, or claim it's evil, but there's nothing about either of that that pertains to our Orgone. I asked Him for a way to protect ourselves from attacks and this is what He led me to. When you're a threat to Satan you get attacked, and some of us are attacked constantly. The ones complaining about me and our Orgone simply aren't a threat to Satan so don't understand the level of warfare we face daily, or are one of them trying to discredit it so people won't make Orgone because it's destroying THEM and their New World Order.