Vern Wall #fundie
Science is a mess. Things are supposed to be done by the scientific method, but they are not.
Luke 4:5-6 King James Version (KJV)
5 And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
“Delivered unto me,” get it? Satan is the god of worldly authority. Any time two people allow a third to tell them what’s what, that is a source of authority and Satan owns it.
Our academic system is descended from Akademos, a pagan grove near Athens, sacred to the goddess of wisdom. Members claimed ownership of all knowledge, by which they meant stuff they made up by their own powers of reasoning. Practical knowledge was left for tradesmen and servants.
So when you talk about “hard science” you are talking about the output from this bunch of pagan worshippers making up stuff in their own heads and calling it science, while insulting and rejecting people who work by observations and tests, as required by the scientific method.
Examples abound of authorities commanding people to believe made up nonsense. About half of everything we think we know about the universe is based on dark matter, which was invented in 1932 by Ian Oort to fudge his data to agree with his theory. The other half of everything we think we know is based on expanding universe theory, which is based on an assumption that red shifted light is caused by Doppler effect, and another assumption that we can estimate distances on that same observation.
All of science is muddled by such silliness. And if you challege any of it you get personal insults in lieu of actual science.
But to give a straight answer to your question, iot’s because people don’t read the bible. They look at the pages and recite what they have been told to believe. The bible plainly says “In the beginning god created the heaven and the earth.” People say “No, creation dragged on for six days, and parts of the story contradict other parts.”
Bottom line: hard science is neither hard nor science. It is a bunch of lies promulgated by the Satan’s church, the one we call “academic”.