It’s time for every church in America to defy lockdown, quarantine and any other orders related to this virus. People need to be in Church. They need to fellowship with other believers. They NEED hope. They need Jesus. Stop cowering to the government. Stand up and fight.
Because the almighty, omnipotent, and omniscent God is stuck in the church, looking out the window thinking “I’m powerless to do anything if they don’t come here to me in my house, what a shame I can’t do anything about this Covid19 thingy since it’s out there an I’m in here, gee I wish I could.”
Sure, fine. So long as you then isolate in your churches and don't infect us sinners. Then when you spread disease to each other, you can't go to any heathen hospitals. Just beseech Jesus for new lungs. If you die anyway, well, you'll be martyrs for your faith and go straight to Heaven, right?
If you really believe, you won't have the slightest problem with this.
It’s time for every church in America to defy lockdown, quarantine and any other orders related to this virus. People need to be in Church. They need to fellowship with other believers
...and thus make the pandemic worse.
You need Science , Abbers & co. Because if that is one of the reasons - based on Reason - why Joe Biden was elected: and nary hours after being declared President-Elect he set up a Coronavirus task force...!
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
“It’s time for every church in America to defy lockdown, quarantine and any other orders related to this virus.”
Gotta wonder how the Christains of the Roman Empire feel. The ones who went to the lions rather than give up their faith? Looking down and seeing that all you’re asked to do is the hardship of staying at home for a while. Not breathe on people.
"People need to be in Church.”
No, they don’t. Bible makes that clear. Get three people to pray together, youv’e got all the benefits of a brick and mortar church.
“They need to fellowship with other believers. They NEED hope. They need Jesus.”
Social media. If we can organize the strategic weapon system over Skype, you can Teams your churching.
“ Stop cowering to the government. Stand up and fight.”
So, no one’s ever told you ‘no,’ have they? Your privileged ass is tired of not having full control of your options and therefore the pandemic is over. No one’s outlawing your religion, your language, your associations, just how you do them, and you think you’re oppressed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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