various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Trouble_Man )
This is what institutionalized White hatred looks like

( @lofisquatch )
@Trouble_Man How much more can it possibly take to wake White people up? The race war is here, we didnt want it or start it but that's irrelevant now.

@Trouble_Man Don't worry.. they will get prego, collect the $1000 for 9 months, and have a late term abortion, then get prego again, to keep the scam rolling.

( @StephenFlemmi )
@Trouble_Man It's not rocket science guys. They just hate us and can't live without us.

( @WhiteEagle1927 )

This is very interesting. So this means a pregnant Black woman can get paid $1,000/mo...that's $9,000 that us taxpayers pay for...and then she goes and gets an abortion just before or right after giving birth...sounds like a plan...

( @General_Pinochet )
@Trouble_Man We all know African nigger run countries have technically sophisticated garbage and sewer waste systems.

( @Barthaneous )
@Trouble_Man I am not kidding when I say this is level one treason. Worthy of hanging.

They are using Americans tax money for people who I can bet don't even pay taxes or use already government welfare.

This is unacceptable. It's not the governments responsibility to take care of people's financial issues . period.



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