Dr. Anatoly T Fomenko et al #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger amazon.com
NASA research of earth-moon mechanics by astrophysist Robert Newton leads mathematicians of MSU to a breakthrough in the chronology of civilization and geography of North America. ''USA has Issues with British Maps of 18th-century' analyses in detail the maps of 1771 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica and concludes that Northwestern part of United states of America was built on remains of Moscuvite Tartary, which according to Britannica of 1771 was the biggest state in the world with capital in Tobolsk! The war of new Russian Empire of 1773-1775 with Moscuvite Tartary covered up by Catherine II as a raid against peasant rebellion headed by aka Pougatchev (scare in Russian) was actually the final blow in the destruction of Great Tartary. After the war of 1773-1775 the new Russian Empire has taken over the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, Alaska, Northwestern America down to San Franciso. These 'Russian' American territories were too far to control efficiently by the Rusian Empire and were therefore taken over step by step by the USA and British Empire.