various commenters #transphobia

( @KDansky )
Supporting women-only spaces and the material reality of sex doesn't make a person "more conservative," but other than that framing, this is good news!
Most Americans support anti-trans policies favored by GOP, poll shows

( @mathano4 )
Once the issues are explained in a clear and unbiased way people say they support equality for trans people but reject truth denial and trans overreach, every time. The ideology only got this far through sleight or hand and mis-framing the arguments.

( @LaurenFLevey )
What does it mean to “support equality for trans people”? “Trans” is a lie. The demand to be treated in law as something you’re not shouldn’t become a civil right.

( @CindyRo36569087 )
Trans people already have equality. They have all the same rights as any other American. They simply are not getting to dictate who the rest of us date or force us to accept their delusions as fact

( @BeeJSAlba )
There is no Human Right that entitles an individual to identify into a demographic they are not part of.
Humans cannot change sex.
Gender Dysphoria is the only mental condition where the body is altered to fit the delusion in the mind.
Why is that.

( n@kate_lachateau )
100%. If we accept that whopper (that there’s such a thing as “trans”), next we will be told to accept Furrys as the animal they claim to be. Or get shamed as the “heartless” person crazy ppl say.



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