
Tatsuya Ishida #racist sinfest.xyz


Panel 1: Black comedian on “Def Comedy Jam” says “Black neighborhoods be violent”
Panel 2: All-Black audience laughs; one says “True dat”
Panel 3: White MAGA has charts up and points to one; “Black neighborhoods are violent”
Panel 4: Gang of Black thugs glower menacingly; “That’s racist”, “Let’s kick his ass”

Alternate version, not posted on the main site:


Panel 4 now has the White MAGA chained to a very tall post with a sign saying “Racist White Supremacist Bigot” above him. He appears to be screaming, despite the bonfire being in the background and apparently not actually burning him.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #enbyphobia #homophobia #racist #transphobia #pratt sinfest.xyz

From “Mount Olympus 82″, Jan 04 2025

Original Art:

Final (Modified) Art:

Panel 1: Book cover with woke hipster as the art, titled “How to Kill an Nation without firing a shot, by Shmuley Finklebaum”

Panel 2: [POISON THE BODY] Jew dumping liquid from skull-marked bottles down a well

Panel 3: [POISON THE MIND] Woke enby, with pink hair and clothes, pointing to symbols on a chalkboard. Symbols are a unicorn, a Genderbread Person, LGBTQIA+ rainbow heart, transgender heart, and Black Lives Matter.

Panel 4: [POISON THE SPIRIT] Le Happy Merchant caricature standing behind a lectern with a book. Original art makes it look like he’s in the sewers, suggesting that he’s one of the rat-controlling sewer wizards from earlier strips. Golden symbols float over his head: the Illuminati, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Freemasonry.

The altered version removes the Illuminati and Freemasonry symbols, puts the other three on a stained-glass window in the background, and alters his hands/arms so he’s no longer rubbing his hands greedily.

Lauren Boebert #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo vanityfair.com

On Wednesday, Boebert put in an honest day’s work in D.C. questioning UFO experts about the existence of secret underwater alien bases and the veracity of “rumors that have come up to the Hill" about government experiments creating “hybrid” humans with enhanced capabilities.

“The American people are being kept in the dark,” she said during a two-hour House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing titled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth.” The hearing’s focus was about government transparency regarding UAPs and UFOs, and whether there needs to be more of it.


Boebert went to town asking the panel about “rumors that have come up the hill”—the sources of which she did not cite—of “a secretive project within the Department of Defense involving the manipulation of human genetics with what is described as non-human genetic material for the enhancement of human capabilities, hybrids.”


“Are there any accounts of UAPs emerging from or submerging into our waters which could indicate a base or presence between the ocean's surface?” she asked. “Are there any technological capabilities that have been observed in these oceanic UAPs to defy our current understanding of physics or human engineering capabilities?”


In closing, Boebert vowed that she “will not relent until we get those answers to the American people.”

Tucker Carlson #fundie #crackpot theguardian.com

Carlson made the claim on the War Room podcast hosted by his fellow rightwing extremist Steve Bannon, a former White House adviser in the Trump administration who was released from prison last week after serving a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress.

“Nuclear weapons are demonic, there’s no upside to them at all, and anyone who claims otherwise is either ignorant or doing the bidding of the forces that created nuclear technology in the first place, which were not human forces obviously,” Carlson said during a discussion on the perceived “spirituality” involved in the US development of atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan in August 1945, hastening the end of the second world war.

“Let me ask you this,” he continued. “What was the moment we can point to that nuclear technology was invented? I’ve never met a person who can isolate the moment where nuclear technology became known to man. German scientists in the 1930s? Really? Name the date? It’s very clear to me that these [nuclear weapons] are demonic.”

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist sinfest.xyz


Panel 1 - Trumpius Caesar giving a speech: “I will make Olympus great again!”
Panel 2 - Roman citizens waving flags: “MOGA! MOGA! MOGA!”
Panel 3 - A pair of Le Happy Merchants appear behind Trumpius: “And I will crush anyone who opposes Judea, our greatest Ally!”
Panel 4 - Trumpius and Le Happy Merchants dance to Village People song “YMCA”, citizens are baffled: “Ju… What?”

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #fundie sinfest.xyz


Panels 1-2: Men and women wearing flower wreaths in their hair worship a statue of Demeter under clear bright skies in what appears to be a forest glade.
Panels 3-4: Clouds gather; the sky darkens.
Panels 5-9: Lightning bolts shoot down, destroying the statue, the trees, and the hair wreaths, in that order. People are knocked down.
Panels 10-11: Yaweh appears, in his latest form (A Batman parody named “Shabbatman”) bearing stacks of Bibles.
Panel 12: Four monks and four nuns, standing with heads down, peruse the Bible, in a dreary cathedral.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This is part 72 in the “Down the Rabbi Hole” series, originally based on the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland, which after a few detours has surprisingly gotten back on track.


Panel 1 - Bearded Drag Queen of Hearts: “How does the defendant plead?”
Panel 2 - Alice / Year Person 2024, covered in tomato spatter: “Not guilty.”
Panel 3 - Bearded Drag Queen of Hearts: “She denies her white guilt, isn’t that a crime, bailiff?”
Panel 4 - Tiny Jewish Bailiff: “Indeed, Your Highness, denying white guilt proves white guilt.”

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This is part 60 in the “Through the Rabbi Hole” series, which was originally a riff on the Disney Version of Alice in Wonderland, but now… let’s just say that we’re well past “off the rails”.


Panel 1: Tour bus in graveyard full of greco-roman statuary. “And here, the graveyard of the White Gods”
Panel 2: Tourists in bus. “Once proud and mighty lords of Europe, now extinct”
Panel 3: Tour guide is revealed to be both a Brainlet Wojack and Woke Zombie, wearing a Jewish Kippah/Yarmaluke. “All Conquered by God”. Tourist: “No way”
Panel 4: Tour Guide: “Yah, Weh”

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This is comic #50 in the “Through the Rabbi Hole” series, which started out as an anti-Semitic riff on the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland but has since gone completely off the rails.


Panel 1: Year Person 2024 in the role of “Alice” walks past an open-air butcher shop.

Panels 2-8: Jews are excitedly watching a cock fight. The white rooster is wearing heavy armor with a Christian cross on it; the black rooster is wearing heavy armor with a Muslim moon-and-star on it.

Panels 9-10: Both Roosters destroy each other’s eyes. Also Tats doesn’t seem to know that Roosters mainly strike with their rear spurs, not their front claws.

Panel 12: Jews still excited despite that the fight is basically over in a draw as the roosters are blind, bleeding heavily, and about to collapse. Three mustachioed men in the background eagerly count their money (one is also licking his thumb). 2024 Alice is horrified. Also there are signs on the buildings diagramming the meat cuts for cows, chickens, and sheep.

Tatsuya Ishida #transphobia sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This is strip #29 in the “Down the Rabbi Hole” series (July 7, 2024), most of which appear to be inspired by the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland.


Panels 1-2: Trans man card person with “he/him” button approaches gender clinic. They’re the four of melons. Tats has previously portrayed female card persons as being of the melons suit - the male ones have the normal hearts/clubs/spades/diamonds. This card person was portrayed in a previous strip¹ as emerging from the clinic “post-surgery”.

Panels 3-4: “Alice” (Year Person 2024) appears out of nowhere and does a timey-wimey thing.

Panel 5: Future vision starts. Trans man card person no longer has a suit or number, has a red gash with stitches across their upper card face, and an eggplant emoji stitched to their lower card face. This is how he was portrayed after emerging from the clinic in the aforementioned previous strip.

Panels 6-10: Trans man card injects testosterone, becomes horrified at the balding hairline and beard, becomes jealous of a pregnant woman, and has a big sad at what he has become.

Panels 11-12: Future vision ends. Trans man card person hesitates in front of clinic.

Panel 13: Clinic shown to have four stained glass windows: A king and a unicorn, a queen and a genderbread person², a jack and a scissors, a joker with a scalpel and a syringe. (The king and queen windows appeared previously.) Trans man card person discards “he/him” button and leaves. “Alice” leaves in the opposite direction.

¹Seen here in Down the Rabbi Hole #16: https://sinfest.xyz/view.php?date=2024-06-24
²Explanation of genderbread person here: https://www.samkillermann.com/work/genderbread-person/

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #wingnut sinfest.xyz

Submitter’s note: This the 5th comic in the “Through the Rabbi Hole” series, riffing on the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland.


The scene suggests a path though a forest glade, though the background art is inconsistent between panels. Throughout, Year Person 2024, in the role of Alice, just stands around looking at the other characters.

Panel 1: Tweedle-Biden says “I love Israel”, Tweedle-Trump says “I love Israel more”

Panel 2: Tweedle-Biden says “I love Israel times infinity”, Tweedle-Trump says “I love Israel times infinity plus one”

Panel 3: Tweedle-RFK jr runs to catch up with the other two, saying “Hey wait up guys, I love Israel too”

Panel 4: Tweedle-RFK jr looks at 2024 and does a bodybuilder flex pose, saying “Oh hello, check out my guns”

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho sinfest.xyz


Panel 1: Old-school film projector.

Panel 2: Kids watching. Miko is in front.

Panel 3: [in movie] The rail line leading into Auschwitz.

Panel 4: Three prisoners in white-and-gray striped prison outfits. Devil-Person in a Nazi outfit, with a rifle.

Panel 5: The prisoners are being kicked into a flaming pit by Nazi Devil-Person. This is most likely meant to be a crematorium, despite that it looks exactly like how he draws people being sent to Hell. Also the real crematoriums were for disposing of corpses after they’ve been shot or gassed, and were not a method of execution.

Panel 6: The kids who are watching look shocked.

Panel 7: Uncle Sam running alongside US soldiers, who are oddly wearing modern combat gear.

Panel 8: Devil-Person Hitler… presumably. The mustache looks a bit wrong, though.

Panel 9: Devil-Person Hitler gets punched in the face.

Panel 10: Uncle Sam stands atop unconscious Devil-Person Hitler, holding a US flag.

Panel 11: Miko puts on the truth glasses. Originally the glasses were a “They Live” reference, but Tats seems to have forgotten some time ago exactly how they’re supposed to work.

Panel 12: Through the glasses, Uncle Sam is revealed to be a Fat Cat businessman with a cigar and top hat (Possibly meant to be Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild? Though he died before WW2), Devil-Person Hitler is revealed to be Germania (a pre-WW2 symbol of Germany, similar to Lady Liberty for the US), and the flag is an earlier version of the Rothschild Family Coat of Arms, minus the Lion.

Tatsuya Ishida #wingnut #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[Submitter’s note: In recent comics, the riot cops have been shown to be tools of oppression under control of the Anti-Defamation League]


A morbidly obese, non-white woman of ambiguous race, apparently a college professor teaching a class, points to a whiteboard.

Panel 1 - Professor says: “All white people are racist demons.”
Whiteboard says “Wypipo bad kill mayo monkey”, displays a bloody knife and severed head
Panel 2 - Professor says: “Whiteness is a disease, a plague that needs to be wiped out”
Panel 3 - Professor says: “Oh, and free Palestine”
Panel 4 - Riot cops beat her in front of the class

Ken Ham #crackpot #dunning-kruger twitter.com

This Bible record of creation thus rules out the evolutionary philosophy which states that all forms of life have come into being by gradual, progressive evolution carried on by resident forces. It also rules out any evolutionary origin for the human race, since no theory of evolution, including theistic evolution, can explain the origin of the male before the female, nor can it explain how a man could evolve into a woman.

Anil Kumar, Barkha Trehan #sexist vice.com

This week, as the Delhi high court hears arguments to potentially criminalize marital rape, the debate has crash-landed out of the courtroom into keyboard warrior territory.

The hashtag #marriagestrike has been trending on Twitter in India, with a number of men vowing to shun marriage altogether if marital rape becomes a criminal offense in the country.

Proponents of the marriage strike movement believe that a marital rape law could wrongfully prosecute innocent married men with false rape charges, especially as a means for wives to gain additional alimony in divorce cases.

“Already as of now in India, it is a crime for a man to get married. If a man gets married and if he is accused [of rape], there is no way for him to defend himself. He has no protection,” Anil Kumar, creator of the #marriagestrike hashtag and founder of men’s rights organisation Save Indian Family Foundation.


Men’s rights groups such as Purush Aayog are pushing back legally and saying rape laws have no space in a marriage.

“I strongly think that consent and willingness of sexual acts are ingrained within the act of marriage. If you will bring this rape law inside the marriage and the husband will be given punishment, then who will marry?” Barkha Trehan, a woman and president of Purush Aayog.

Tucker Carlson #wingnut huffpost.com

Fox News host Tucker Carlson dropped a crass comparison Friday as he insisted that “the left” criticizing Donald Trump’s behavior in contracting COVID-19 is the same as blaming the victim of a sexual assault.

Critics have pointed out that the president could have vastly reduced his chances of getting the coronavirus by following the strongly recommended guidelines of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, such as avoiding crowds, wearing a mask and maintaining appropriate social distancing.

Instead, he has hosted crowded campaign rallies — against the advice of several local officials — where few people, including the president, have worn masks or maintained a safe distance.

Carlson falsely insisted that CNN said Trump “deserved the sickness that he got.” He played a clip of CNN’s John Harwood, for example, who said that the president’s behavior has put a “lot of people” in “jeopardy,” including the “president himself.”

“Imagine,” said a disgusted Carlson. Trump “just announced he was infected ... he deserved it,” the Fox News host added, repeating what he imagined the “left” had said. “They didn’t wait long.”

Carlson summed up his view of the media’s — and the Democrats’ — perspective on Trump as: “He asked for it. He was dressed provocatively.”

Alan Keyes #quack #fundie thedailybeast.com

Alan Keyes Is Helping Sell a Toxic Bleach ‘Cure’ to the Vulnerable and Desperate

They promote bleach as a miracle cure and distribute it to children in developing countries. And now they have a prominent conservative pundit propping up their network.

The “Miracle Mineral Solution” (“MMS”) movement falsely claims a dangerous chlorine dioxide cocktail can cure almost any illness, from autism to infertility. A new addition to the Facebook-fueled movement is IAMtv, a conservative web-based channel fronted by Alan Keyes, former diplomat and adviser to President Ronald Reagan who appears in pro-MMS broadcasts with bottles of MMS from a dubious bleach “church” featured prominently on his desk. IAMtv figures even claim Keyes is helping the network spread its mission from Uganda to the halls of power in the U.S..

On a broadcast in August, IAMtv host Bob Sisson invoked Keyes’ name while discussing MMS.

“I get to use my ‘I work with Alan Keyes,’” Sisson said, miming a fishing rod as he pretended to reel someone in with Keyes’ name.

“Which is sorta cool because I met [Christian personality] Ken Ham a week ago; I met the governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin, a super guy; met Governor Bill Lee here in Tennessee.

“Gonna meet Trump, it’s only a matter of time. President Trump’s gonna invite us up there, when he finds out about this stuff,” Sisson added.

He held up green and blue bottles stamped with the logo for the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing that apparently contained the chemicals that create the dangerous cocktail chlorine dioxide, or “MMS” when combined.

MMS has found a growing fanbase, often among people skeptical of modern medicine or desperate for miracle cures. Meanwhile, its champions are trying to make the concoction mainstream.

There is nothing miraculous about Miracle Mineral Solution. It’s poison. As the Food and Drug Administration warned in an August statement, the solution is “a powerful bleaching agent.”

“Miracle Mineral Solution has not been approved by the FDA for any use, but these products continue to be promoted on social media as a remedy for treating autism, cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and flu, among other conditions,” the FDA noted. “However, the solution, when mixed, develops into a dangerous bleach which has caused serious and potentially life-threatening side effects.”