Your shift key seems faulty, dearie.
No, feminism is not a cult, feminism is the radical idea that women are people too.
Women make up 51 percent of the population; that large a group can’t be a cult.
I’ve never gathered together with other women and made fun of ugly men. I’ve gathered together with other women and made fun of desperate men, pushy and clingy men, man-babies, men who can’t take No for an answer. I’ve also gathered together with other women and discussed harassing, creepy and rapist men (nothing fun about those men).
Made fun of ugly men; nope. Have you made fun of ugly women, copy?
Nope, feminism is not misandrist in and of itself. We just want to be included, seen as equals, have half the power and half the opportunities and half the responsibility. Feminism in Sweden has fought for men’s right to paid parental leave, and for some of the parental leave to be ear-marked for men. Men in Sweden have ten days paid leave just after the birth of their child.
Men who beat up, kidnap, gaslight, rape or murder women are seldom asked “Why do you hate women?”.
Women who want to be included, have the same pay and the same representation as men, are constantly asked “Why do you hate men?”.
If anything, (some) men are the terrorists. How many men are in hiding, live on a secret location with secret phone number in fear of a woman coming to kill them? How many men are found and killed by that woman every year?
How many men are sentenced to 30 years in prison for having a spontaneous ejaculation? (There are many women in South America who are sentenced to 30-40 years in prison for a miscarriage.)