Various Commenters #racist

RE: Boston Public Schools Suspends Test for Advanced Learning Classes

Superintendent: "There's a lot of work we have to do in the district to be antiracist."


Black and hispanic kids a stupid because of poor parenting and the constant drone of leftist propaganda.

It's a lower average IQ. Asian kids benefited greatly from AP classes in Boston Public Schools, now everything will be dumbed down to "stop racism". I wonder if more asians will march to stop white supremacism.

I understand that Asian-Americans are in the process of undergoing their own great awakening. I expect they will not march; they will move.

I have seen that. Chinatown in Los Angeles no longer has Chinese...just one example. Reality won't change their voting habits though. Mark my words.


IQ pared with certain personality genes that make them unsuitable for parenting.

Yet it's whites with these IQs and certain personality genes that, generally, refrain from reproducing. The same can't be said of other races; in fact, the opposite is the case, with the democrats doing everything they can to make it happen.

it's genetics first for the reason why they have simian IQ levels and hyper agressive amoral savage natures, having a crack ho for a mom doesn't help things.

(Bill Miller)

Intelligence is racist!

Liberals reject the validity of IQ tests unless it involves getting a convicted murderer off death row.

Equity: above average intelligence is racist.

Anti-racism is nothing more than penalizing people who are the most intelligent and hard working in order to allow blacks to do things they are not capable of doing.



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