ReturnOfSaddam #conspiracy #wingnut #sexist #racist
[JFL] Zoomers are legit the dumbest, most spoonfed, bluepilled retarded generation in history
I actually think they're worse than boomers. Seriously, these retards are almost ALL in favour of LGBTQIWTF shit, they don't seem to question anything, and they have literally spent their entire lives on the censored internet run by jewgle and couldn't name 5 different websites if they tried.
To me they single handedly disprove the cope that "the next generation will be right wing" which you hear altrightcel cucks repeating. LMFAO. Instead, what you have is a bunch of spineless retards who have literally taken the post 2013 feminazi teachings as GOSPEL. They fully support shit like censorship, they are some of the most sensitive people I've EVER encountered, and don't even get me started on shit like TikTok.
Average life of a zoomer sub 9.5/10 male: wake up, work, praise feminism, spend 30 minutes online after verifying your identity, spend that time praising brave trans leaders, spend your paycheck on your onlyfans subscription, get your 4 hours of sleep, repeat. It will honestly be interesting to see just how fucked things are in 10 or so years.
Cope tbh. All generations are bluepilled in their own ways.
No generation has been as bluepilled as the zoomers. Not even boomers.
I am a zoomer and I can say zoomers can either be giga-bluepilled or giga-blackpilled. And guess what the majority of the zoomers are giga-bluepilled. The fag propaganda in school will ensure most zoomers to be on side of the Jewish hordes.
(Shin no Shi)
what zoomers in general. I was born on 2000 but I had the internet relatively early than a lot of people and I usually surfed weird sites and stuff (remember seeing a porn ad and thought it was shit coming out of the girls bodies, when they were dicks, specifically bbc ones) I still remember school being somewhat ok though there was a little bit of the excessive leftist rhetoric instilled, though everyone in school during my time were still talking crap and not the pozzed type of talk.
I only started seeing this instilled behaviour full force when it was around 2017/2018 and I was out of school a year before, heck I look at the accounts of those younger than me since I know them and usually see whores throwing onlyfans or whoring themselves out and guys who are depressed 24/7.
(TheReaper)they're victims of bad parenting.
they all grow up with parents telling them that they are special and unique and this prevents them from developing any kind of personal growth.
they will become an army of depressed and nevrotic adults due to the dispcrepancy between their perception of themself and reality.