Steve Beckow #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy

We’re going through a period of rapid deconstruction, even collapse, at exactly the same time that we see boots on the ground, lightworkers, white hats gathering to finish the clean-up and rebuild or restore the ascending Earth.

The Divine Mother’s movements, with which we align as lightworkers, are seamless. For example, one of the features of our Ascension is that the new human species the Mother is creating, (1) which Ivo of Vega calls homo universalis, (2) will be interdimensional.
Wait a minute. Back up. A new species? You’re saying that homo sapiens will become extinct?

Yes. But look how mercifully it’ll be accomplished. It’s simply that no more homo sapiens will be born. All babies born past this point will be homo universalis. No ice age. No collapse of a continent. Just change the design and start producing a new model.

Oooooo, what does that do to Darwinian natural selection? Social Darwinism? You mean creationists were right after all? Oooo, the cracks are opening. Hard to take…. for the religious left and the right.
A seamless and comfortable extinction-level event. That’s the most rapid deconstruction process I’ve ever heard of, on the grandest scale.

But won’t it be hard for so many to accept so much challenging information? At what point does one scream at the heavens: Enough!
With the advent of the Quantum Financial System, the deconstruction of the dark is helped. The white hats of the Alliance can now close off all access to funds for the deep state. Money is second only to oxygen for them.
While a gradual Ascension is going on undetected, lightworkers, I hope, are gearing up to begin work, along with our star brothers and sisters, on building the new world.

These two movements (deconstruction and reconstruction) are going on simultaneously, with most of the world unsuspecting.

Until the emergency broadcasts wake everyone up … which I expect will be soon.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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