sp8der #transphobia reddit.com

Gay men are not attracted to transgendered woman (MTF) because they are not attracted to the physical appearance of a woman.

it's actually just the bit between the legs that makes me convulse, the entire rest of the woman is fine
i mean i like pretty feminine guys, and absolutely could not be less attracted to bears or bodybuilders, please explain

if you're interested in railing or being railed by Buck Angel, you're probably a gay guy

I have to push back on this because I cannot believe this is even remotely true. Almost every gay guy I know (and, being one myself, that's a fair few) is intensely repulsed by the mere concept of vagina and would go for Bailey Jay instead in a heartbeat. Bottoms especially would gain nothing from Buck Angel.

Sexual attraction really is sexual attraction in my experience.

Indeed. Myself and a bunch of my gay friends -- and even some of the straights -- have all shared the opinion that if we were to be raised today instead of X years ago, we would probably have been funneled down the trans pipeline.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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