Gay men are not attracted to transgendered woman (MTF) because they are not attracted to the physical appearance of a woman.
it's actually just the bit between the legs that makes me convulse, the entire rest of the woman is fine
i mean i like pretty feminine guys, and absolutely could not be less attracted to bears or bodybuilders, please explain
if you're interested in railing or being railed by Buck Angel, you're probably a gay guy
I have to push back on this because I cannot believe this is even remotely true. Almost every gay guy I know (and, being one myself, that's a fair few) is intensely repulsed by the mere concept of vagina and would go for Bailey Jay instead in a heartbeat. Bottoms especially would gain nothing from Buck Angel.
Sexual attraction really is sexual attraction in my experience.
Indeed. Myself and a bunch of my gay friends -- and even some of the straights -- have all shared the opinion that if we were to be raised today instead of X years ago, we would probably have been funneled down the trans pipeline.
Can someone please drill it into this idiot’s head that HIS (and his very fortified bubble in which he obviously resides) specific attractions aren’t equal to every gay man’s? He already admits that he doesn’t like bears and bodybuilders, which quite strongly seperates him from me and my own gay friends, who would very likely NEVER go for Baily Jay. She looks like a woman, identifies as a woman, I have no idea how I should find that attractive as someone who is 100% attracted only to men. If she still has a dick so fucking what? I’m not attracted to genitals but to people! I’d take Buck Angel in a heartbeat over her, no matter what’s between his legs. Fuck, that superficiality and the way he states it as if he was talking for all gay men (me included) sickens me.
There do exist rare men who are really into penis but don’t really care who it’s attached to. I would presume most of them identify as gay because most people with penises are men, but that only shows that sexuality isn’t divided into easy, clearcut categories.
Having an attraction or a strong preference usually isn’t voluntary, and I don’t buy it being inherently shallow. Whether you treat the target of your attraction as a person or an object *is* voluntary, and determines the shallowness.
This made me think of that show Alien Nation. What if a similar show was released, about a group of alien refugees similarly stranded on Earth?
The aliens are human-looking, except for these differences:
- They have different skin colors. Their counterparts to white, black - as in black Americans of African descent and Asian like e.g. Chinese, Japanese or Vietnamese are respectively blue, green and charcoal.
- To Earth people, they look like women that have dicks in addition to vulvas. Each of them is capable of siring and bearing children.
To be honest, I don’t get either side of the discussion that seems to be going on in these quotes at all. Obviously, you can be physically attracted to someone who is not your type even if, intellectually, you know better without having to question your sexual orientation because, well, physical attraction is not rational like that. There also seems to be an overly absolute-reductionistic view of sexual orientation at work here - I am heterosexual in that I am only sexually oriented in ciswomen, but I am certainly not blanket-attracted to women, it’s just one aspect of who I would be interested in, firmly a necessary rather than sufficient condition. Speaking of which, why does mere physical sexual attraction not being the same as actual sexual interest in someone seem to be such a hard concepts for so many to grasp?
I hate to break it to you, little snowflake: but there are those whose attractions don't necessarily correspond with your subjective 'Opinion'.
So I'm afraid you are forced to deal with it, OP.
@Bastethotep #50770
@Zinnia #50758
I agree that it's okay to have a preference as long as you aren't a transphobic douche that deliberately misgenders trans people or a creepy chaser. Preferences aren't necessarily bigoted.
It's okay to be exclusively attracted to cis women as long as you don't imply that trans women are really men.
That said I can count on one hand the amount of people I've encountered that loudly proclaimed genital preferences but weren't douchebags about it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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