FailAllAspects #sexist
Women are hilarious.
Before this sub gets banned, i want to get this off my chest.
Women are FUNNY. Hilarious actually. Not on purpose though.
Every woman i’ve ever met has 20 self-diagnosed mental illnesses, a period where they cut themselves, a history of “trauma” and “ptsd” over mundane shit, vicious mood swings, a temper, an inferiority and superiority complex, hatred for men, hatred for other women, palpable envy and jealousy, strong political and religious opinions typically without much thought behind them, very little substance to their character, and no functioning moral compass or anything resembling a set of life principles.
Yet, despite ALL THAT, they think they’re gods gift to mankind. I don’t fucking get it. Every single one of them (that i have personally met) thinks they’re the greatest thing to grace this Earth. They’ll seethe and fume on social media, lambasting swathes of people they consider inferior, without any hint of self-reflection or irony.
If you’re obviously a fucking mess, who are you to TELL OTHER PEOPLE WHAT TO DO? Why do women think they know better, if they can barely go 24 hours without having a breakdown and developing a new mental illness? You won’t see me trying to tell people how to better themselves or how to think, i’m a fucking mess, but at least i admit it. In one breath, they’re incredibly judgmental, and in the next, they’re wallowing in self-pity over their perceived oppression.
It’s fucking H I L A R I O U S. Comedy GOLD. Truly a meme gender. Whenever i think i’ve seen it all, they always manage to surprise me.
In 25 years of life, i can count on one hand the number of times a guy’s behavior surprised me in terms of sheer illogic. Even the most low IQ, braindamaged, mentally unstable dude will stick to some form of reason. But with women, all bets are off. It’s like trying to deal with a wild animal. Any sudden movements and it’s a 50/50 if she’ll start cutting or shriek about the patriarchy and flame you.