Steve Kirsch quoting Nurse Tawny Buettner #conspiracy #wingnut #quack

It appears that most of the cardiac incidents are vaccine related and not virus related. I'm going to be gathering stats on that shortly.

I interviewed Nurse Tawny Buettner at Defeat the Mandates in DC. She just wrote me: "It's nice to know I was vindicated in my statement about roughly a 30% increase when you interviewed me in DC. The PI of the research in Vax myocarditis told me that over 1/3 and closer to 1/2 of the kids with myocarditis in the hospital showed LGE changes on outpatient MRIs... her words "they have scaring on the heart".

We are going to see an explosion of cardiomyopathy in 5yrs and massive death from cardiac failure by 10yrs in young adults.

I still have yet to meet a "COVID long hauler" with cardiac issues that wasn't vaccinated.

They are probably out there... but I haven't met anyone yet."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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