Scott Lively #fundie #wingnut

[America being a democracy] has given special meaning to Romans 13 for Americans since the Declaration of Independence first stated that "whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."
To realize the extent of its destructiveness, consider that our government has not only directly and indirectly endorsed and funded the wholesale slaughter and commercial marketing of unborn babies for decades, it has now been exposed for buying and using harvested baby parts for medical research. This factual reality is more ghoulish than any fantasy-based Hollywood horror movie.

So tell me, Christians, do we truly have a duty to submit to this government under Romans 13? Or, on the contrary, do we have a duty to dismantle and reform this government forthwith and ensure that the specific evildoers responsible for these atrocities are properly punished by duly constituted criminal courts for the wickedness they have done against God in our name? In my view that should absolutely include capital punishment for the ones killing these precious innocent babies and carving up their bodies for marketing.

Are we limited in this duty to asking this government – its agencies, law enforcement and courts – to correct themselves? Like the founders, I think not.
We Christian citizens, individually and collectively, must become a righteous terror to evil as Romans 13 commands. And we must do that NOW or it will be too late!

If you are a self-starter, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into action and follow His direction. If you want to be part of a group effort, get involved in one or more political or activist campaigns wherever you live, or run for some office if for no other reason than to have a platform to speak truth from, while forcing the left to spend money against you. Join or start a MAGA group. Join the Republican Party as a constitutionalist change agent, and drive out the RINOs. Join the Democratic Party as a spy and feed intel to the conservatives. Get hired by the media and WOKE companies in jobs where you can identify and expose the most rotten people. Be creative in defense of truth and liberty!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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