The Incel Decade #sexist

[Discussion] What percentage of fertile years straight women are not having sex due to the lockdown?

Normally 99%+ fertile age women are having sex on a regular basis, so this quarantine is unheralded in terms of increasing the percentage of women that are having to forgo sex.

Obviously a fair number of them live with their partner so will be having more sex than usual.

Plenty of whores will still be sneaking out to fuck Chad,

But that still leaves plenty. For starters the percentage of women that can't get Chad (whether it's 80/20 rules or 90/10 in 2020) means they won't be having sex as they won't risk Corona Chan for normie.

It's absolutely unprecedented for a whole generation of women to have any more than the odd outlier female to be going weeks without sex. It's no wonder they can't cope. When we get out of lockdown it'll be like the last days of Rome for the open degeneracy these depraved women will be showing. You won't be able to walk down a street without seeing people having sex. Warning: stay at home when normality returns.



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