Unnamed Ohio Mother #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy missionamerica.com

“I am the mother of a child who suddenly claimed a transgender [identity] and became swiftly medicalized....

"I am a mere representative of the many thousands of parents who have had their child medicalized in as little as one visit to a gender affirming medical establishment. ....I am sharing the truth of gender identity medicine today as our family and countless others have experienced it.”

“.. Our story involves a young adult daughter while away at college. It was a mere few months after her prescription for testosterone that she had her breasts amputated. There is nothing that could have prepared our family for this tragedy that is still unfolding. She was gender conforming, had mostly female friends her entire life… and had little interest in stereotypical masculine activities at all.

“Our daughter was extremely gifted, highly creative, ....[but] she has strayed far from the promising trajectory she was once on. ...She has severed ties with all family members save for some tenuous contact with a sibling.... Can this possibly be medical care? She was encouraged by her like-minded peers, harbored by her university and swiftly led down the rabbit hole of transgender medicine ...

“... Regarding the thousands of parents in like situations, I know their stories too. Our stories are eerily similar and yet we read lie after lie in the mainstream media that we are bigots, 'transphobes,‘....and other names, many too despicable to mention. We read that we have disowned our children when the opposite is often true. ...We read the lies that only adults get surgeries or that our children have gone through rigorous psychological counseling. Neither of these is true. Some parents have even lost their children in the court of law when they question this supposed ‘care.’
And this mom closed by writing this: “....I live in fear for my daughter and other young people across this country where mutilating body parts is increasingly becoming second nature. ...”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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