Fernando Cortés #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

Fernando Cortés, a long-time Mexican nationalist and identitarian, offered his perspective on immigration to the United States. He argued that the Mexican regime could be accused of almost intentional mismanagement of the economy so as to keep Mexicans poor and provide cheap labor for Americans. “The system wants Mexicans to migrate to the United States,” he said. “It’s not Mexicans, who would rather stay home.”

Mr. Cortés freely acknowledged the damage that massive Mexican immigration does to American identity. “Mexico has never received immigrants,” he said, and “Mexicans would not tolerate even a tenth of the flow that has gone north.” He observed that “white people are remarkably generous and tolerant” in the face of dispossession. At the same time, the present system is bad for Mexico, which loses important workers, even as corruption and civil decay creep north.

Mr. Cortés argues that the honest Left, to the extent that it really cares about people, is the best source of recruitment for identitarians. “When white altruists understand that they are hurting rather than helping, our numbers will increase,” but he suggested that some on the Left may prefer that the Third World remain poor: “If Mexico were financially healthy, liberals and open-borders advocates wouldn’t have a purpose.”

Mr. Cortés decried the harsh restrictions on free speech on both sides of the border, noting that people who have been trained to be easily offended are easily manipulated. He spoke of his happiness in finding identitarians in America because, “for me, the US is Mordor — the only place where the ring can be destroyed.” With identitarians in both the North and South “we have them surrounded.”

We will always be neighbors, he said, and “two nations can live side by side with true, separate identities.” However, this can be successful only when “each nation has its own folk, territory, and independence.”



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