Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #conspiracy psychicwarfare.com

<Selections from this intense screed had to be made.>

Psychic Warfare was created to make enemies ill drive them mad and kill them. The US and Russian military use the scientific approach to try and get a handle on the techniques of Witches, Black Magicians, Sorcerers and Shamans who used magic to harm and kill enemies. Until recently this methodology was sideline to quackery, sharlatanism and fraudulent persuits. The truth is that everyone around you and your own badly programmed subconscious are causing premature ageing disease and death. Only recently biology has begun to fill in the steps to how Psychic Warfare could cause illness, disease and death in victims. Recent research on cell signal transduction, epigenetics and quantum mechanics give a meaningful pathway as to how Psychic Warfare phenomena can influence, control and finalize every aspect of cell biology. To put it succinctly every cell has protein receptors on the cell membrane or above and below the cell membrane which control DNA transcription by enabling ligands from outside the cell to change, influence and control DNS transcription. By this means the cell reacts to environmental stimuli and changes to react to it´s environment. The proteins on the cell membranes which acts as receptors change their confirmation when ligands attach to them. These ligands can also be simply frequencies as in millimeter waves from 5G and microwave from 4G.
Since DNA replication is incredibly accurate one error in half a billion copies while epigenetic errors exist in less than 1 in 50 copies it is obvious that epigenetic errors cause massive damage in the cells and lead to premature ageing. Since they can be corrected, eliminated or optimized by signal transduction on the cell´s surface if you knew what signals to broadcast this would massively increase lifespan. Similarily 5G and 4G massively damage your epigenom causing illness, obesity and madness. These damaged cells then poison surrounding cells and lead to a cascade effect of premature ageing. See the Forbes article “Senolytic Therapies and the Quest to Cure Ageing”.

The Super genious Tim Tony Stark Rifat will now be releasing a whole series of videos to show how Psychic Warfare control of cell signal transduction can lead to editing and enhancing the epigenetic genom changing the phonotype and viaplasmids changing the genome. All of this leading to extending lifespan in a diseasefree younger modality that will allow lifespan to be extended in the middle aged state for several hundred years longer than is generally accepted to be possible. We recommend the interested parties to watch the antiageing and health videos on Gridkeeper which are the pre-amble to the concerted attack on the ageing disease using Psychic Warfare research from the cold war developed by Tim Tony Stark Rifat to 5th generation and beyond versions which now offer modalities to control disease and ageing which werent possible in the past.
It is pure fraud to think a simple program could reprogram your subconscious in hours. MKULTRA addressed the power of the subconscious and victims in Canada experimented upon by Dr Cameron were given colostomys and putin morgue meatlockers for 6 months to totally wipe out their neuronal network higher cognitive functions. These blank brains could then have their subconscious reprogrammed with multiple personalities which displayed radically different phenotypes due to epigenetic control of the genome by different multiple conscious observation of the protein signal transducers on the cell membrane leading to radically different humans in the same body.
Since the British government have been trying to use thermo levels of microwvave, biowaepons and radiation to kill off Tim Tony Stark Rifat since 1996 he is a living example of epigenetic control to negate lethal attacks. If you read his first book and the DIA documents in the back, you will find the DIA report that psychics are not killed by microwave but simply becomes agressive when irradiated which explains the Tim Tony Stark Rifat disposition. Since 5G is designed to slowly kill you by interferring maliciously with cell signal transduction and cause epigenetic changes that rapidly age and kill you – driving you demented: it is Tim Tony Stark Rifat´s malicious pleasure to see all his non customers tortured to death slowly and horribly by the 5G network – enjoy!



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