JD Heyes #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger humansarefree.com
Donald Trump’s presidency has so frightened globalists around the world that they are literally pulling out all the stops to destroy him and the greatest country in the history of the world — the United States.
Why? Because a powerful, wealthy, stable America, which Trump created before the Wuhan coronavirus, is anathema to the socialist, Marxist authoritarian world they want to create — and then run.
To do that, however, the globalists must first discredit, and then replace, our founding principle of capitalism, the world’s only economic model that has been wildly successful for the majority of people who live under it.
For another, these people are never going to give up their own wealth, but their economic system — socialism or worse, Marxism or Communism — will require that the rest of us surrender whatever wealth we have accumulated to them so they can redistribute it people who don’t have as much, so that in the end we’re all equally poor (the exceptions being, of course, the wealthy elitist globalists who ‘run things’).
In a socialist/ Marxist economy, there is no wealth, save for those at the top. There are no opportunities because there is no incentive — no pay-off — to invest in, build and market ‘the next best thing.’
When you hear globalists like Schwab call for replacing the world’s most copied and most successful economic system using phrases like “social justice” and buzz terms like “equality,” know that’s not really what they mean.
They just want power. And they want us to just give it to them.