We all instinctively feel that there's something wrong with race-mixing. It speaks out from the depths our blood & ancestral memory.
“We all instinctively feel that there's something wrong with race-mixing.”
I used to. In the 70’s, TV and movies often portrayed interracial couples as a black criminal with a white slut. For the longest time if i saw a BMWW couple, i had an instant feeling of judging her negatively. But i tried toe xamine that urge each time, and it eventually went away. So I’m pretty sure it’s a learned resposne.
I’ve also examined my instinctive yanking my hand back from a hot stove, and it doesn’t decrease upon scrutiny.
OTOH, seeing an interracial couple with a black woman, I don’t judge her, or him, i just get horny. It reminds me of my marriage.
"It speaks out from the depths our blood & ancestral memory.”
It’s a cultural thing. If it were instinctive, there would not be so many light-skinned black people all over the place.
Also, if our ancestral memory goes back far enough, we’re all black.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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