Meg Benedicte #magick #ufo #quack #mammon

Downloadable Video & Audio – 2.5 Hours

Experience a guided Meditation of the Quantum Access technique in this program!

Enjoy this video Online Healing Retreat encore with Meg Benedicte who shares graphic visuals that illustrate the following topics she discusses:

1. Stargates – how they work, how to access inner stargate of Merkaba
2. Shifting Timelines – assessing current linear sequence timeline activity and how to shift to ascension
3. Laser Intentioned Focus – how to penetrate the quantum field with ‘superradiance’
4. Vertical flow of light in Ascension Column – develop self-sustaining continuum of life force
All of life in the dynamic Universe emerges from a single pulse of light, from the multi-dimensional scalar standing wave pattern. Within the vacuum state of the Quantum Vortex beats the standing scalar wave of Singularity…the continual pulse of creation. There is growing astrophysical evidence that the vacuum structure found within the galactic zero point field also exists at the atomic scale level in our cells. As ancestors before us, we are discovering knowledge of the ancient mystery of Apotheosis. By tapping into the phi spin of Metatron’s Cube, we are able to integrate Soul energy inwards and release incongruent energy outwards. Humanity is returning to the natural counter-clockwise rhythm of the sun and stars. This extraordinary discovery was the inspiration for developing Meg Benedicte’s proprietary healing process, Quantum Access™.
The method of altering physical reality is the sacred tradition of Alchemy that was taught in the ancient Mystery Schools. The pre-dynastic Egyptians were initiated in Alchemy and could access the untapped power of Zero Point energy, the source of Creation (genesis) in our Universe. Through a series of initiations, the Egyptians learned how to gradually master the universal technology required to shift gravitational fields and particulate matter.




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