hoffnungstod #psycho incels.is
Incel Trait : Not hating Hitler.
While this could seem a political discussion the real point of the question is of a totally different matter.When in high school but even s little before I was puzzled by the hateful reactions of the males and the girl almost crying over anna frank.While I felt NOTHING.It was not to be edgy, I just coiuld not understan thre point of being so heated about people who died several decades ago.I thought eventually that maybe I was special and unique or even that they were faking it.
But just recently I tried to analize the teen dynamics that took place back then.
I was not special or other crap : I just did not feel myself as an actual part of humanity!!!The insults over my face and the eeewwws travelled through my brain so deeply that even if not noticing it on a rational level I stopped considering myself as a real human being.
There was ME and there was THEM and the jews were THEIR world and not mine, hence their vivid reaction vs my coldness.
But it is not only me,basically at least 30 if not 40% of incels are nazi sympathizers but the thing that corroborates my thesis even more is that even the non nazi were totally tiepid on the srgument.
IRL Hitler is the second strongeet taboo after pedophilia while on the incelosphere is a bad boy at most.That sneaky Hitler akways making his mom worry!!
While their pavlovian anti nazism is disgusting we must ammit that our reactions on the subject is pathologic and most likely caused by our feeling or being an alien specie.I bet most nazis who are decent looking followed a much more gradual path that the one we took.I admit being an Adolf sympathizer and surely an anti-sionist but the road that took me there was at least partially based on things nor really comforting.