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[From “Will Historical Toryism Save Dixie?”]

Dixians are unique among the other ethnicities of the American Empire in that we, and we alone, can claim a legacy of actual conservatism. By “actual conservatism,” I mean the conservatism of the old European variety, one of a hierarchical, ordered society run by a landed aristocracy and explicitly Christian. For the rest of the United States, no such legacy exists and all they are left with is, at best, various shades of rightwing liberalism masquerading as “conservatism.”[…]This does lead to the question of whether or not this historic European-style conservatism – or Toryism – will save Dixie. Sadly, the answer is no
Canada was to the right of the United States[…]French Catholics who were horrified by the French Revolution and American loyalists that settled in Canada after the American Revolution.[…]Canada (namely Quebec) shared with Dixie and much of the New World a common seigneurial heritage.[…]it was the liberal-capitalist New England and the Middle Colonies[…]that were the outliers.
Secularization hit hard and Canada began to look away from its historic British orientation (even the Quebecois identified with the UK, as they had no love for the French Republic) and moved towards an American (read Eternal Yankee) one, as seen when the Red Ensign was replaced
Quebec was the most rightwing province in Canada and one of the most conservative places in North America.
For around 130 years after the French Revolution, Quebec kept alive pre-Revolutionary France. Today, that is gone save for a few members in rural Quebec. What was once the most rightwing province in Canada has been dragging Canada, as a whole, leftward since the 1960s. There is no guarantee that this cannot happen to Dixie.
Only men of a country can preserve Toryism in a country. That is why a vibrant Dixian Nationalist movement is so critical.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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