various commenters #wingnut #quack

( @NoGray )
God help me. I'm with my family and they are COVID vaccine believing zombies.

( @Colony14 )
@NoGray I had the same problem. I solved it by not visiting family members.

( @Dash9753 )
@Colony14 @NoGray visit and start sneezing

( @TSiefer )
@NoGray Our kids cut us off from our Grandson because we are not vaxxed.

( @SusanEllabelle )
@TSiefer @NoGray My parents got three shots and they died within 10 days of each other. I'm sure it's hard for you to have made the decision you made, but it is the right decision. Email them the evidence that the vaccine is dangerous, especially for older people. Peace, love and patience.

( @Slowcloud )
@NoGray well here's a little silver lining to your problems... Take out a life insurance policy on the ones that are vaxed and boosted.. at this point the yield that you will receive will do better than a 401k... Not hating just a suggestion... Happy Thanksgiving

( @Xmen442002 )
@NoGray hang in there.

Only those that remain PUREBLOODS will survive this.

@NoGray Thank God most of my family is of the hardworking trades and not of the University class. With the exception of 2 cousins (now dead from the shots), my family knew the entire thing was a scam. Everyone I know who went to a university is triple vaxxed, and are now sick. They were making fun of the un vaccinated. WERE....

( @NotReallyFrench )
@NoGray Did you show them this ?

( @Anatoly_Dyatlov )
Watch the documentary "Died Suddenly".

Also remember that unbelievers will be forever deceived.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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