8chan posters #sexist reddit.com
(1st poster)
“it's insecurity. youll need to fix that before you get laid”
Yeah, this is the catalyst to solving all my problems. After this I'm guessing I should just be myself and wait for my time.
Fuck Off, If I wanted to hear meaningless platitudes. I'd talk to literally anyone else doesnt post on a depression related imageboard in a misguided. futile attempt to "help"' when you're really stroking your own ego at the fact that you're more successful than the people here.
That's not even what made me angry. What makes me angry is the implication that it’s a character defect on part of someone who"s unable to start or maintain a sex life, that it’s something morally wrong. If I can't get laid, it must be due to insecurity. manipulation, or desperation. etc. It must be something wrong with me because only emotionally secure people in healthy relationships have sex, right? Good people can get sex, and if I can't. that must mean I'm a bad person.
That's why all male dating advice is pandered under the waise of self-help; that an unattractive man has flaws in character or stature that he must work on before he can be in a relationship. If he still doesnt get laid,
that means he needs to keep working on himself until he does and never express his frustration about the effort he has to exert because that is perceived by others as entitlement and will further stain his character
The ride never ends.
(2nd poster)
Have you ever wondered why men cant complain about sexual frustration without being defamed? This is the just world fallacy. We treat attractiveness like a moral value when it isnt.
The reality of modern dating can't be the way that it is. because if it did that means manipulative assholes who think women are inferior are getting laid. And any self-professed nice guy who complains about having woman problems must not really be nice and must actually be a manipulative and entitled ass. Beause if he were actually nice, it means that genuinely nice guys aren't getting laid.
So we see this veil of arguments: PUA doesn't work — its all made up lies and stories by losers on the internet. In the few cases it does work, those women are damaged, but it doesnt work on real, normal women. And in the few cases it does, it's all through lies and deception and manipulation and trickery. And in any other cases, it's all through rape.
And any time any guy complains that he had woman problems when he tried things the normal, conventional, friendly, nice guy way, it's because he's unwashed and hideous and unrealistically expects to succeed without taking the time to look good and learn basic social skills. But if he’s not like that, then it's because he's only appcoaching super-models instead of realistic average women. But if it's not that, then it’s because he’s actually desperate and sending out invisible desperation signals and turning women off. But if it’s not that, it’s because he’s actually an entitled misogynist and is sending out invisible entitlement signals and turning women off. But if it's not that, he's probably raping people.
And as we all know, women are intuitive and can detect evil manipulative men, objectifiers, and desperate creeps, all who think they don't have any external tells but they give off a subtle signal. That's why PUA doesn't work, and creepy loser nice guys aren't really nice women can detect it all with their super-powers.