Steve Sailer #transphobia #sexist

[From "The Unabomber's Transgenderism"]

Mathematician and freelance terrorist Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, has died in prison at age 81

Much has been and is being written about him, but his transgender urges have largely been memoryholed as part of the massive cover-up of the autogynephilia fetish that motivates many of the most prominent and intelligent M to F trans types

From the Washington Post news section in 1998:


By William Booth September 12, 1998

Convicted Unabomber Theodore J. Kaczynski considered having a sex change operation when he was in his twenties and his confusion over his gender identity filled him with a rage that contributed to his bombing spree, according to documents released today[…]

To be precise, he wasn’t confused about his gender, he was aroused by the fantasy of himself as a woman

Here’s the quote from the court-ordered psychiatric report:

In the summer after his fourth year, he describes experiencing a period of several weeks where he was sexually excited nearly all the time and was fantasizing himself as a woman and being unable to obtain any sexual relief[…]

Great guy

So maybe society would have been better off if this autogynephilic had been encouraged to have himself castrated? One argument in favor of letting adult autogynephilic fetishists have themselves castrated is that while Theodore Kaczynski blew up all those people, a testicleless Theodora Kaczynski probably wouldn’t have



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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