
NightSpawn #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

I will strike at the heart of the matter and state that the atheistic position is just sickening. Some, or even most, may have and abide by good morals, but that isn't the point. To follow by a belief that would allow you to go out and murder, char, rape, and even molest kids and, then, regarding those actions just as much good as bad is just sickening and cannot be denied that it isn't sickening.

smalltowngirl #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

in heaven there's tons of food and a BIG house that all of us live in and we know everyone and we get to be with God. its very beautiful. streets of gold and jewels and so on. it'll be awesome. we won't have to do a thing. see, you work hard on earth..and then get a free ride all of eternity...if you're a follower of Christ, that is.

Godsword #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

[After being told his claims were silly]I hang my head in embarassed shame, wondering at how I could have been so blind and silly to have posted all that evidence about King Juan Carlos, or to have ever entertained the possibility that he might be the Antichrist. I am an embarassment to myself and Christians generally!! Woe is me!!

smalltowngirl #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

did someone say that you can repent in hell...and then go to heaven? what! you can't do that. once you're in hell...you're in hell. and you can't escape no matter what. and yes, hell is a place of fire and pain. its not just a place you go to be protected. its full of agony and heartache. you want to die...but you can't die!! you could try and kill yourself a thousand times, but you can't die. its awful.

Itiswritten #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

It's been a while i talk with you atheist, and what strike me is that you are so critical, analytical, and you reject any evidence against evolution. But you accept every evidence for evolution with faith, and you never apply the same critical mind with each evidence for evolution.

Jon The Jew #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

[On Old Testament atrocities]Your also forgetting that Jews didn't just kill women and children for no reason. When there was war in those days, and towns were attacked, they killed everything, unless it was of some value (such as women and cattle). Don't think these things were not done only by Jews, that was war back then. Its also logical to wipe out children anyway. Why kill the father when the son will grow up bitter and end up killing your people?

Ringo #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

Never in my statements did I say dinosaurs never existed. They existed and some might say they still do. I know a man named Paul Nation. He's done some missions in the Congo region. He was working with some very isolated pygmy tribes there. They were doing a bit of paleantology as well. Some of the natives there got a hold of one of his dinosaur books and began describing the temperments of some of the dinosaurs' pictures. For instance, they said that Triceratops are very aggressive towards elephants and usually chase them off. They commented that one of the longnecked dinosaurs(don't remember which) stay in the river all the time and are very shy and hard to spot. And when you combine this with the fact that the congo has only been 20% explored, you have a tangible theory.

kairo #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

Here is something to think about

<p>Which choice by the mother [who has uterine cancer and will die if she doesn't abort] do you think will best display to the rest of the world that Christ is the greatest Treasure in all the worlds and is to be trusted and valued and Loved above everything? Which choice will honor not her self or even her family but Jesus Christ the most? food for thought

musicman #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

from an athiest stand point their cannot be any moral standards because since athiest are so open minded they have to be moralistically relative to all cultures and practices... ever notice that things from Satan don't make sense and everything from God does make sense?

cbg0710 #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

These scientists have observed a slight, but consistent change in the shape of the earth over the time they have been measuring it. This change in shape demonstrates that if the earth has been around for the millions...BILLIONS of years assumed by evolutionists, the earth would now be shaped like a pencil or a tube instead of slightly oval shaped.

kdogblazer65 #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

the complexity of creatures of the earth is unbelieveable and shows intelligent design... His power is evident in healings and people being raised from the dead(there have been over 200 cases in Mexico alone in the past 20 years. and I am talking people that have been dead for over a day) So yes God still moves today.

Godsword #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

By the way, Winace and ScientificAtheist, did either of you happen to see the Closing (or was that Opening?) Ceremonies of the 1992 Summer Olympics which were held in Barcelona, Spain? [They involved pagan mythology and Lucifer, dragons, etc. made an appearance] It was an eye-opener, let me tell you. I absolutely could not believe that the sports announcers could just sit there and not stand up and say, 'Ladies and Gentlemen, this spectacle is an utter abomination. May God forgive us all.'

SuperSooner777 #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

Realize, however, that someone who's a true, hardcore athiest is usually so because of an emotional experience, and not an intellectual one, as this argument demonstrates. The point being, you can't fight emotion with intellect. Somehow emotion wins out every time.

smalltowngirl #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

all i have to say is: look outside!! you can't say that all of nature just came into being, just popped up out of no where. thats hard for me to believe. thats like saying whenever i want to eat the food is just goin to appear. its easier to believe in God than that stuff.

Super Jew #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

[Again on Old Testament atrocities]Yet, let us look at the logical, and smart, reason for the killing of these women and children. By allowing the women and children to live, they allow the memory of the dead father's and husbands. They allow hate to brew. They allow time for the nation to grow back. They allow for another war. Therefore they had to kill off the women and children to prevent further conflict. What may seem evil was actually wise. Look at Germany, after WW1 they raised up a new generation to fight. Iraq has had 10 years to build upon youth and make them war machines. It is only when a nation is completely defeated that we can see them turn around. So call it evil all you want, it was a very smart move.

Godsword #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

Regarding the Antichrist: I believe (though I am not absolutely, 100% certain) that God has shown me, in several ways, who the Antichrist is. I believe King Juan Carlos of Spain is the Antichrist. I have several studies that I've done about him on floppy disk, but here is a webpage that has an article about him: <a href="http://members.tripod.com/vaulterjohn/King_Juan_Carlos.htm">King_Juan_Carlos.htm</a>

Evlin #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

what if she was raped? some people say. if a girl got pregnant after she had been raped abortion is still wrong. because God had a hand in it. not that he wanted that girl to be raped, no, because no life is concieved without God's consent and many times God uses bad situations to make something really good happen. if you're pregnant as a result of rape God will take care of you and your baby just trust him.

S3CUR3 1 #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

About the killing before their eyes, these children are the children of evil, and just as the children of baal worshipers were destroyed, so will they be. Is it right by earthly standards? Nope. Is righteous by Gods Holiness? Yep.

Godsword #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

While I do not claim with absolute certainty that King Juan Carlos is the Antichrist, I am very, very confident that he is. Of course, as I believe I've said here, and know that I've said elsewhere, should his son become king, his son would also qualify as the Antichrist (though not as 'strongly', it seems). If you would like to include some of the things that have been said about King Juan Carlos on your "<u>[Fundies]</u> Say the Darndest Things" website, may I recommend the following article about him? <a href="http://members.tripod.com/vaulterjohn/King_Juan_Carlos.htm">King Juan Carlos - Top Candidate for Antichrist</a>.

bibleguy321 #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

Creationists believe God spoke and things were created out of nothing, while believers in Evolution, in order for their theory to work, have to believe something has always existed. Creationism holds to the fact that for the most part, basically, all natural laws have remained constant, while Evolutionists hold to the fact that the laws of nature change.

Trinity0789 #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

its kinda like on 'the santa clause': 'ok, and the reindeer thing, have you EVER seen reindeer fly?' 'no, but have you ever seen a million dollars?' 'no' 'well, just because you havent seen it, doesnt mean it isnt real' You gotta believe without having to see

Itiswritten #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

When scientists discover something, do you think that they examine the evidence, to see if it also fits creationnism? No, their brains are all wired up only for evolution... Man, your religious beliefs (evolution) concerning scientific facts are wrong!

NightSpawn #fundie cafe.planetwisdom.com

And what about enslavement? When you catch a bug that's infecting your house, do you give it a chance to live... do you put it in an enclosed area? Surely, not, so why do you complain about these things? God put them into slavery, but that was the best thing to do. I'd rather them be slaves than out there killing.